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developmental editor

  1. JacquelinCangro

    Editing Be Your Own Developmental Editor with Jackie Cangro

    Be Your Own Developmental Editor will provide the tools and techniques to help you see your manuscript the way an editor or agent might see it. We’ll ask the tough questions to guide you in making your manuscript the best it can be. You’ll use these tools to assess your story’s strengths and...
  2. terrimain

    Editing Macro-Editing: Become Your Own Plot Doctor with Terri Main

    Once you have written your first draft, you know you are not done. You understand that you need to fix everything from plot holes to punctuation. The starting point is Macro-Editing - Editing the Big Picture. Many spend $1000s on Book Doctors, Finishers, and Developmental Editors to do this work...
  3. Dawn_McClure

    Editor Jennifer Herrington

    From Jennifer's Website: Jennifer, a perpetual student, lover of academics, and a complete bookworm, has spent the majority of her adult-life enrolled in higher education. She’s attended the University of Waterloo for English Literature, Conestoga College for Radio and Television Broadcasting...