jacqui lipton

  1. J

    Business Publishing Contracts 101 with Literary Agent and Publishing Attorney Jacqueline Lipton

    This webinar will focus on the role of contracts in publishing law: contracts with agents, contracts with traditional publishers, and contracts with indie publishing platforms like Amazon KDP. It will boil down the key points you will find in these contracts to their essentials and emphasize...

    Business Publishing Contracts 101 with Jacqui Lipton

    This is a LIVE webinar scheduled for Sunday September 13 at 11:30 a.m-12:30 p.m. EDT * Wondering what that time 11:30 a.m-12:30 p.m. EDT is in your time zone? Click HERE Landing an agent and/or a publishing contract is a dream come true for most authors, but then there's the challenge of...