jodi henley

  1. Jodihenley

    Craft Writing Clean and Wholesome Romance with Jodi Henley

    Learn to write a romance with no sex, no swearing, or dark themes. Just well-adjusted and unabashedly moral characters building healthy relationships with an abundance of heartwarming, emotional feels. Topics covered include: The difference between sweet, closed door and clean/wholesome...
  2. Jodihenley

    Plot-Structure-GMC Practical Emotional Structure with Jodi Henley

    Emotional structure, resonance and "feels." It's all so complicated. Join developmental editor, Jodi Henley for two immediately actionable, bite-sized lessons and two easy exercises designed to make your story emotionally satisfying right now! Day 1: Emotional structure, resonance and...
  3. Jodihenley

    Craft Understand and Use Character Arc with Jodi Henley

    Solidify your plotting and add emotional resonance with a strong character arc. Hands on and immediately actionable, this workshop comes with two simple lessons, three easy to use worksheets, and lots of feedback by a developmental editor who has worked on hundreds of stories. If your arc is...