steve shrott


    Genre-Action Adventure Writing the Thriller with Steve Shrott

    In this workshop, you’ll learn how to construct a thriller from beginning to end. Some of the topics covered are: What is a thriller and why are they so popular? The many different categories of thrillers Secrets of creating commercial story ideas Developing a ‘hot’ plot How to start your story...

    Genre-Horror How to Write Horror Short Story with Steve Shrott

    In this workshop, you'll learn how to write pulse-pounding horror short stories. Some of the topics covered are: Creating chilling story ideas that hook readers Developing protagonists that people care about, and antagonists that give them the creeps Cultivating an atmosphere of fear and...

    Genre-Mystery-Crime How to Craft Your Mystery Short Story with Steve Shrott

    Learn the three parts of a mystery and where to include what and when. Steve will show you how to outline and use free writing techniques to craft a winning mystery short. What makes a good mystery, and how to be an idea machine. How to craft openings that hook your reader, and twist endings...

    How to Write a Sci-Fi Short Story with Steve Shrott

    In this workshop, you’ll delve into the secrets of writing amazing science fiction short stories. Some of the topics covered are: - Creating original and intriguing sci-fi premises that hook readers - Techniques used in the most successful science fiction - Secrets of writing time travel, first...