
  1. TereMichaels

    Craft You Can’t Copyright Tropes: But You Can Make Them Your Own with Tere Michaels

    Tropes are both the building blocks of our writing and the magical potion that can take “been there, read that” to “omgincomprehensablewordsofhappy.” How do we take something that’s been done before and make it our own? First, we need to work out why certain tropes attract readers and what...
  2. Amy L Bernstein

    Craft Nail Your Concept and Discover Your Book’s True Purpose with Amy Bernstein

    Whether you’re writing fiction, nonfiction, or memoir, the key to figuring out how to tell your story begins and ends with a concept. A concept isn’t about plot, characters, or dialogue. It’s the grand motif that ties everything in your story together—and helps you solve puzzles around...

    Plot-Structure-GMC Master Workshop in Story Planning with June Diehl

    If you plan before you begin your draft or plan during the drafting part of your writing process, we’ll cover many of the techniques that you can use to help make your drafting go smoother. If you current do no or little planning before or during the writing of the story draft, we’ll explore...
  4. Kate McMurray

    Plot-Structure-GMC Plot Beats and Novel Planning with Kate McMurray

    So you want to plan a novel. Are you more of a pantser? Are you allergic to outlines? Don’t know where to start? Just need a little help? Have no fear! Every novel has a few basic components. First, we’ll look at plot beats, the basic building blocks of a story, and think about ways to plan...

    Character Writing the Emotional Journey with June Diehl

    Are your readers satisfied with your stories? Are they reluctant to put your story aside? At the end of your story, the reader should sigh, with a sense of satisfaction, when finishing your story, one which they will remember for a long time coming. So how does one create a satisfied reader...
  6. Jo Vanderhooft

    Genre-Romance Cinderella at the Prom: How to do Write a Retelling with JoSelle Vanderhooft

    From Gregory McGuire’s beloved Wicked to Anne Rice’s Sleeping Beauty Quartet to countless reimaginings of Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella, retellings are a perennial hot subject for writers. In this class, editor JoSelle Vanderhooft (also an author of numerous fairy tale retellings in prose...