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story structure

  1. terrimain

    Craft Understanding Story Structure and Plot with Terri Main

    When we come to discussing plot, most of the time the discussion veers into a question about how to go about plotting. We have wagon wheels, heroes on journeys, snowflakes growing in a fractal universe and all sorts of other techniques. Often, it is a debate between planning approaches. Do you...
  2. K

    Plot-Structure-GMC Story Structures: One Shape Doesn't Fit All! with Kate Freiman

    This workshop explores story structure models from Aristotle's and Sid Field's 3-Acts, to Shakespeare's 5 acts, The Hero's Journey's 12 steps, Save The Cat's 13+ Beats, and several other less well known ones. The genres and sub-genres best suited to each story structure model are suggested...
  3. terrimain

    Craft Developing a Premise and a Story Arc with Terri Main

    We combine Premise and Story Arc into the first course. The premise forms the foundation and a way to test the story idea which leads to creating a story arc. Here's the description of the course: You have an idea for a novel, but it takes more than a vague idea to have a viable story premise...
  4. Stevens7_2000-yahoo.ie

    Genre-Action Adventure Writing the Thriller with Steve Shrott

    In this workshop, you’ll learn how to construct a thriller from beginning to end. Some of the topics covered are: What is a thriller and why are they so popular? The many different categories of thrillers Secrets of creating commercial story ideas Developing a ‘hot’ plot How to start your story...

    Craft Writing Fiction: Plot and Structure with Jacqueline Lipton

    Many writing workshops focus on writing beautifully polished first chapters, but often there isn’t time to cover the rest of the plot/structure of the novel. Critique groups that focus on individual chapters or scenes often also lose focus on the overall plot and structure of a narrative. It can...