Thank you so much for taking the time to post your dialogue snippets and cast a vote. There was a great turnout for votes, and we keep getting new authors sharing their work and voting.
We've tallied the votes, and we have a tie! The winner of the $20 coupon for an upcoming SavvyAuthors workshop are @Jennifer Windrow and @NikkiWrites!
Here is Jennifer's dialogue snippet from WIP IN the Forest of Eternal Darkness:
I ignored his well-intended gesture. “We may not play for the same team, but I still don’t condone unsanctioned murder. No matter what you think of me and my kind.”
His lips lifted in a half-ass smirk which did naughty things to my nether regions. Naughty things I wanted to ignore. “I think you reside in one of the most feared courts in the faery realm and have become very comfortable with death.”
His words were like a dagger to my heart. Sharp, pointed, and meant to inflict pain.
I reached for my blade. “I might have to reconsider my unsanctioned murder rule.”
“No need to get angry, princess. I come in peace.” He raised his hands, palms out.
The twinkle in those sun-colored eyes melted a bit of the ice that encased my heart.
“And you might leave here in pieces.”
And here is Nikki's snippet of dialogue from WIP THRILL ME:
“Yes, I am now living in central California. No, Taylor Swift and I did not have a love child. Yes, I am starting a dude ranch in a couple of weeks.”
I leaned in, a visual caught on more than one phone. “Rigo, don’t do this. You don’t owe them anything.”
The assholes were sucking up our euphoria from the jump like the succubi they were.
Rigo kept going. “No, I did not accept a payoff to throw the bullfight. And no, I am not investing in a brand of cognac, or fronting a brand of boots, or running for United States Senate.” He cracked a smile so small that only I caught it.
The phones pointed at me. “¿Noah! "¿Eres homosexual? ¿Are you gay?”
As if I could be anything else. Still pissed as hell, I cocked a hip. “We’ve already established that.”
“Is that your natural hair color?”
I rolled my eyes. But in for a penny, in for a pound. If we to be all over the internet, might as well make it go viral. "I’ll never tell. And I did not have a love child with Tay Tay, either.”
Thanks for participating. Please stay tuned for more SavvyAuthors contests. If you have any ideas on topics or contest ideas, please reach out to [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you!
The SavvyCrew