April NaNoWriMo Challenge and Sign Up

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi all,

April is coming up soon, and you will have a chance to write even more words for your Book-in-a-Year Challenge!

If you are interested in participating in any way, please sign up by replying to this thread.

You don't have to write a whole book to participate. Instead, you can define your parameters and then try and complete your goal during the month. If you need help with this, I can help you. Just reach out and I can set up a coaching session.

Take care, and let's really write into spring!
Irene S. Roth
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okay-- Im setting my goal at 3,000 words a week, So, at the end of April-- 12,000 more words to my WIP................ Ugh.... I hope i don't fail!!!!
(remain calm) (remain calm)(remain calm) (remain calm) (remain calm)
Good Luck Everyone! Happy Writing!!
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I want to finish Once Upon an Enchantment (approximately 25-30K words) and I'd like to do another 20K on my alien romance. Okay, hahahaha! But seriously, that's what I'd like to accomplish.
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