Children’s Fantasy author

Welcome @ExAlaskan
Glad you are here. No need to be an early riser. They will post by 6 AM, but it won't be a webinar that you have to 'attend'--rather, this will be available at your convenience. You can post a question, if you need, whenever you show up at the forum. The presenters will be on and off throughout the weekend. It will be fun.
In the meantime, welcome to SavvyAuthors! Glad you are here. See you around the water cooler, in the SIGs (special interest groups) and in workshops! I'm a moderator here, so don't hesitate to ask if you need anything.
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I'm the same member == on Scrib (Lyndsey Davis) or Savvy (LRDavis) --
Glad to see you here. :D
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