Hi John
Right now CritMatch is free. We have been running this as a public Beta for a year now and will continue until we work out all the issues. We are happy to add additional genres. We have tailored this to the folks who were participating. I think I did add Mystery, SF and Fantasy last week. And YA. We have not added MG because we did not have any requests for that. All the romance subcategories were requested.

Happy to add more!
Thanks for the swift reply and the clarification.
I've been doing this for quite awhile, and at the risk of making more work for you, any such matching system really needs TWO criteria: Genre and Age Group. Romance, Mystery, etc. are genres. Young Adult and Middle Grade are age groups. You need to be able to sort for both. Every book has both if these categories, and it makes a huge difference. And adult Sci-Fi book will be very different and have very different tropes, language, pacing, etc. from an Adult Sci-Fi. Same with Fantasy. Even Romance can be for adults and YA.
You have 11 genres, and of those 11, 7 are various forms of Romance. If you go into a book store, Romance is on one little shelf and the rest of the store is filled with a mix of all of the other genres. If your list is based on requests, then I fairly certain there will not be a match for me. It looks like everyone is writing Romance, and nobody is writing for children.
To be effective and accurate, a Critique Partner Match should have several levels of choice:
1) Fiction or Non-Fiction
2) Picture Book / Chapter Book/ Middle Grade / Young Adult / New Adult / Adult
3) Fiction Genre (Romance, Mystery, Thriller, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Historic, Contemporary, Historic, Dystopian, Western, Men's Adventure, and more) You should be able to pick 2 or 3 (Mystery Romance, Historic Fantasy, Western Thriller, etc.)
4) Fiction Sub-genres. This is for fine-tuning, so optional. But there are really a half-dozen or more different flavors of Fantasy (Paranormal, Fairytale Retelling, Swords & Sorcery, Urban, Myth-based, etc), and the same for Sci-Fi (Military, Time Travel, Space Travel, Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Post-Apocalyptic, etc.). There are Cozy Mysteries and Police Procedural Mysteries and Horror Mysteries. Here's an example:
144 Genres and Subgenres for Fiction Writing
Hope this is helpful.
Also, the categories confuse "genre" with "age group." MG is not a genre. And do we really need so many flavors of Romance? Most of them have zero members choosing them. One kind of Romance writer would be a fine match for any other kind of Romance writer, with the possible exception of Historic. But Historic can apply to other genres besides Romance. I'm writing a MG Historic Fantasy. So what category do I choose?