
Author in Residence
Jun 23, 2018
Methuen, Ma
Instructions say don't use enter or tab or space bar.

How does one create the title page?

John Doe ....................................................... . Genre
164 Nowhere Drive
Alternate Universe .................................................... About 80,000 words
The Parrallax Continuum

[email protected]


How does one set this up without using the keyboard for spacing?

The preview is messing with my attempts to show how the title page looks
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Thanks for your response. I'll look at it. What threw me is everyone says that tabbing messes with the formatting of the paragraph. But for everything else as in moving down a third of a page it says do it with out any reference as to how. I've come to the conclusion that the rule only applies to paragraph indentation.

Setting up the title page uses tab. I just didn't understand why tabbing had differences. Don't tab for paragraph. Tab for title page.
The link says space down 4 to 6 lines. I'm guessing that hitting enter is how you space down the lines? All the instructions I have read don't say how to space down other than the assumed enter key.
Thanks again
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What I normally do is show the vertical and horizontal rulers beside and above the page then just hit Enter until I hit about 2-1/2 on the vertical ruler and start there with my chapter heading. One-third of the page would be 3.67" on the ruler so you could enter your chapter heading then hit Enter to go to the 3" or 3-1/2" mark. It doesn't have to be precise.
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Thanks for that answer. I tried that but it didn't work. Obviously the proper procedure wasn't used. Also when I set up the temp plate , it doesn't hold. I have a folder called junk temp plates. :) I'll try it later. Right now I've decided to gather my files into one document. I didn't realize how difficult it would be.

Also I understand when they say wait until the story is finished. I thought the draft was done, but it wasn't. It was more like a deep outline as others have said. Online classes have given me insight to the story. Way baaaaack :) an instructor suggested that the story was too big and seemed like The Matrix, so I used his suggestion to select one area of the story and develop that. The story grew once more until the muse said they were satisfied. :) Now to fluff and inflate the scenes.

One of the Christmas movies compared a story to a Christmas tree. It was interesting. It was a retreat for writers during Christmas. I think the tree was the outline. It was a unique way to show a developed story using the Christmas decorations for plot elements, characters etc.

Thanks again for your comments. I'll work on them.
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Ahhh. Now I understand. The only thing I set up in my template is the header, the indentations, and exactly 25 lines per page. I manually set the chapter heading and then move down to start writing, otherwise, it gets too complicated. Nowadays, I use Scrivener to write and don't bother with anything in Word until I compile the scenes/chapters.
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I have used Scrivener. The binder is good, But.... the auto-save is the devil. Auto-save didn't save the latest. When I tried saving using the date and time, that didn't work. When Scrivener only saved a 1000 words on a 98,000 document . I gave up. Fortunately I had copy pasted and saved to an e-mail.

Also the compile doesn't work. The story that is in the top level isn't the story that is in the scene level. That's probably due to the fact that the only writeable spot was the inspector. The editor window would not let me enter. Some of the binder is in pop up dialog boxes that stay open for a few seconds.

I could not find a tutorial that wasA B C D. The instructions, videos gave information that was not required at the time. What I did figure out eventually is that Scrivener's tutorial was based on a simple format, not the novel format. With the novel format you had to go one level deeper. The instructions did not mention that.

Learning Scrivener was complicated due to complicated instructions. I could not enter in corkboard either. Maybe the next will be easier since I think I know how Scrivener works now, BUT :) I won't ever trust their backup AND if manual backups can't be made, then it is as useless as a nondesk, non laptop system. I had an IPad until I found out, I couldn't save the story. This was when it had just come out. IPad and others sizes are readables, not writeables.

I have the title page set up. The rest isn't. I guess I'll have to work on that.
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That's too bad. If you get a chance to take a Scrivener class taught by Pat Haggerty (The Romance Man), do it. He teaches by video so you can see exactly what to do. He taught here at Savvy and I took his class, downloaded his videos so I could refer back to them, and haven't looked back. I have had problems with the automatic backup, but I solved that by saving my manuscript to a solid state hard drive and to my personal cloud drive. After losing 8 chapters right out of the middle, I stopped depending on the auto backup.
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Thanks. :) OUCH! At last someone who has problems with the backup. I was told in a Scrivener group that can't happen.
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I'm glad @Mona found you. I usually am on top of things, too. Since the switch to the new site some of our standard protocols haven't worked for me.
I use Scrivener too. This last update messed with things, I think. I had to do a cut and paste for my compilation on July 31. I was so stressed for NaNo that I didn't even report to Scrivener, but I will get around to it.
Mona has a handle on things...and Pat is our resident expert.
Scrivener hasn't performed this badly since I was on a beta time with them quite a few years ago.
Don't hesitate to PM me or Mona. We don't want you hanging out there,..with no one seeing your post.
That said, I will be leaving for a vacation next week Monday-Friday and I don't know my internet access.
So I apologize in advance.
Best wishes,
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