Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi Ladies,

How did you do with your goals this week? Please let me know.

Also, please let me know of your challenges, if you had any.

Have a GREAT weekend!
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I'm not sure what the issue is, but i'm having a heck of a time keeping track of what i'm supposed to be doing here. Is there a checklist someplace that lists assignments and when they are supposed to be done and whatnot? I see stuff going up, but am not sure how it applies to me or what I'm supposed to be doing. So I'm getting a little anxious. Also, I don't know how to get to the other chatroom. I know I did the first week, but I can't find it.

In other words. It'd be a great goal for me just to figure out what i'm supposed to be doing, figure out a way to organize it in a folder for this class and work out where to post stuff. Also...how to get anywhere on the site.

It's likely just me. I'm pretty ADD, but I just haven't really 'hooked' into this program yet, or what is supposed to happen here. Although, it's obvious to me plenty is going on. I hope I'm expressing this correctly.
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Mindy, hang in here with us... I LOVE the idea of a checklist and will work with Irene on this idea. There is a lot to read, a lot to think about, and then...there's also the writing to do.

I listed some tips for finding this forum easily in the Announcements section, bottom of the page (Moderator's welcome) on Irene's Home page. Try those first. Getting you into the forum is the first(and crucial) step. If it doesn't work, let me know asap! I'm here to help you!

This forum is about setting goals and reaching them, with Irene offering us the support and encouragement and advice to do that:
  • Each week, she post a lesson of the week--look for the date, she usually posts it on Sunday. Questions about that lesson go under that lesson thread.
  • Each week, she posts a homework thread. Each lesson contains a To-Do assignment, and your homework is posted in the dated homework thread.
  • Each week, she posts a goals thread. Consider your overall goals for 2016, and determine what you can do THIS WEEK to get you closer to meeting them.
  • Each week, she posts a Friday check-in thread. It's a reminder to keep up with the goals you've set for the week
In addition, Irene has created a 2016 Mini-Goal, something you can choose to do every single day for a year to strengthen your writing, your productivity, your health, etc. Nothing big, just something achievable that won't make your head explode trying to reach it. This one won't change.

And finally, Irene has a January Build Your Writing Business goal--January's is to create or update your author's website. This challenge will change monthly--February will have a new focus. It's totally up to you which ones to try, which ones to pass, and which ones to dig in and do.

Now much you participate is totally up to you! You can just read/respond to the lessons and homework. Or, if accountability is key for you, post a goal and then on Friday let us know how you did. If you are overwhelmed writing AND keeping up with the threads, use what speaks to you, knowing you can always add the extra on later.

And never feel like you need to go back and read...always keep moving forward! Look for the lessons and homework dated Jan. 18 for this coming week.

Questions? How can I help?
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My week was a mish mash of yes and no. I did keep up with my fitness goals. And did look up markets that looked promising but didn't do the grunt work at my desk that I wanted to do. Having clean folders for each book and compelling cover letters for each agent. I am working on that this week,
but regret my tardiness. This isn't an excuse since life happens and I need to be able to work through it , but my brother's dog is getting chemo which is an all day affair and my brother is despondant over it. Plugging away at the laptop never seems right while we are waiting to make sure he go through the chemo. Then my husband went into the hospital yesterday after falling through ice.
I wouldn't mention all this, but curious, if anyone reads this how they would stay on track in the midst of these things.
This pretty typical in our family so I used to give up and wait for the next ER visit, but I know that isn't the right call.
someone once said (can't remember who) write through the fire.
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My week was a mish mash of yes and no. I did keep up with my fitness goals. And did look up markets that looked promising but didn't do the grunt work at my desk that I wanted to do. Having clean folders for each book and compelling cover letters for each agent. I am working on that this week,
but regret my tardiness. This isn't an excuse since life happens and I need to be able to work through it , but my brother's dog is getting chemo which is an all day affair and my brother is despondant over it. Plugging away at the laptop never seems right while we are waiting to make sure he go through the chemo. Then my husband went into the hospital yesterday after falling through ice.
I wouldn't mention all this, but curious, if anyone reads this how they would stay on track in the midst of these things.
This pretty typical in our family so I used to give up and wait for the next ER visit, but I know that isn't the right call.
someone once said (can't remember who) write through the fire.
Caren, I think everyone's "life stress" baseline is different. Like you, I have a lot of "high end" events that I cope with in any way I can manage at the time. But I've seen other people become as stressed (if not more) by what would seem to me a minor bother (say...a day without power) as I am by one of my kids having emergency surgery (last week). People also get pretty riled-up crazy by "good stress" (like an upcoming wedding, or getting work done so they can go on vacation), not differentiating it from bad (like having pneumonia, your husband falling through the ice and your brother being distraught over his dog going through chemo:()

Here's my example from last week:
My husband thought my dad would like to see the play "Hamilton" (he's a crazy American history buff and also loves Broadway) so I started looking for new tickets to go on sale (starting around Thanksgiving). I asked my brothers and sister if they were interested in doing a semi-big group for Dad's 75th birthday and they were. I asked for help in getting it all together and...well, that didn't happen despite my being a lot more assertive than usual in asking. Mostly this was because this was my idea (i.e. Mark's) and I was the most invested. So I signed up for a bunch of forums to get a heads-up for when tickets went on sale and got exactly 18 hours notice before an AMEX presale, at which I bought 20 tickets on two AMEX cards (the limit) at prices which were double what I had told my siblings to expect. The total was almost $4000, putting Mark and my cards up to the limit. Half of the tickets were for Mark and our kids; one was for my dad and the rest were split between my siblings (3 tickets each). I told them the ticket prices had doubled and I could sell the tickets if they didn't want to buy them but if they wanted them they needed to get me some money.

Guess what they said? :censored:

Right. They wanted the tickets but they couldn't pay me until _______________ (they did their taxes in April, their wife got her teeth fixed, and their girlfriend found out if she got into physical therapy school because she wanted their saved money to go toward the deposit).

As it turns out, I need to free up some credit card room for a trip I've planned for Mark's birthday in March. And I could threaten to sell the tickets if they don't pay me, but my dad is super-incredibly-psyched for this trip. He's mostly deaf and wears hearing aids but can't make out most words in a play so he bought both the soundtrack and a recording of the entire play so he could memorize it all before we go, next December :love:. I also can't sell the tickets for a few months even if any of my grumble-grumble siblings back out.

This gave me a headache but it's all good stress, meaning nothing bad happened. I got Hamilton tickets, which is a mini-miracle. Enough for our whole family to go. They cost a fortune but I will eventually either get the money back from my sibs or from reselling them. My biggest problem is finding extra money for a Florida vacation in March. To do so I'll have to be frugal for the next 6 weeks and worst-case-scenario use savings rather than credit, which in the end is probably a good thing.

In the end the whole thing made me laugh. Mark said he could have scripted how it would go exactly, which made him laugh too. But in another family all the money talk, the income disparities, the pushy big sister, the potential I have for making a killing with any extra tickets (this is true), the anxiety of our father's failing health, and the resentment of my wanting money quickly in order to take Mark on a vacation could have led to arguments, hurt feelings and worse.

Haven't you seen this kind of craziness happen over weddings? My daughter is nuts over how I'm going to fit 70 people in our tiny living room for her baby shower next week.

Me? If it's stress and disruption over something "bad" then I give up on writing and do whatever I need to in order to stay afloat. If Mark was in the ER (which he was last month, for chest pain) I would bring the most erotic romance I could find and read him hot bits between nursing visits in order to make him smile.

But if it's anxiety over something "good," I am severe with myself in not angsting, and not devoting extra time to worrying, talking about it or anxiously running around wasting time. Not that I'm always successful, but I am getting better all the time.

All of your stuff this week sounds pretty bad but that's not always the case, right? I say keep the difference in mind :) Lisa
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Caren, I think everyone's "life stress" baseline is different. Like you, I have a lot of "high end" events that I cope with in any way I can manage at the time. But I've seen other people become as stressed (if not more) by what would seem to me a minor bother (say...a day without power) as I am by one of my kids having emergency surgery (last week). People also get pretty riled-up crazy by "good stress" (like an upcoming wedding, or getting work done so they can go on vacation), not differentiating it from bad (like having pneumonia, your husband falling through the ice and your brother being distraught over his dog going through chemo:()

Here's my example from last week:
My husband thought my dad would like to see the play "Hamilton" (he's a crazy American history buff and also loves Broadway) so I started looking for new tickets to go on sale (starting around Thanksgiving). I asked my brothers and sister if they were interested in doing a semi-big group for Dad's 75th birthday and they were. I asked for help in getting it all together and...well, that didn't happen despite my being a lot more assertive than usual in asking. Mostly this was because this was my idea (i.e. Mark's) and I was the most invested. So I signed up for a bunch of forums to get a heads-up for when tickets went on sale and got exactly 18 hours notice before an AMEX presale, at which I bought 20 tickets on two AMEX cards (the limit) at prices which were double what I had told my siblings to expect. The total was almost $4000, putting Mark and my cards up to the limit. Half of the tickets were for Mark and our kids; one was for my dad and the rest were split between my siblings (3 tickets each). I told them the ticket prices had doubled and I could sell the tickets if they didn't want to buy them but if they wanted them they needed to get me some money.

Guess what they said? :censored:

Right. They wanted the tickets but they couldn't pay me until _______________ (they did their taxes in April, their wife got her teeth fixed, and their girlfriend found out if she got into physical therapy school because she wanted their saved money to go toward the deposit).

As it turns out, I need to free up some credit card room for a trip I've planned for Mark's birthday in March. And I could threaten to sell the tickets if they don't pay me, but my dad is super-incredibly-psyched for this trip. He's mostly deaf and wears hearing aids but can't make out most words in a play so he bought both the soundtrack and a recording of the entire play so he could memorize it all before we go, next December :love:. I also can't sell the tickets for a few months even if any of my grumble-grumble siblings back out.

This gave me a headache but it's all good stress, meaning nothing bad happened. I got Hamilton tickets, which is a mini-miracle. Enough for our whole family to go. They cost a fortune but I will eventually either get the money back from my sibs or from reselling them. My biggest problem is finding extra money for a Florida vacation in March. To do so I'll have to be frugal for the next 6 weeks and worst-case-scenario use savings rather than credit, which in the end is probably a good thing.

In the end the whole thing made me laugh. Mark said he could have scripted how it would go exactly, which made him laugh too. But in another family all the money talk, the income disparities, the pushy big sister, the potential I have for making a killing with any extra tickets (this is true), the anxiety of our father's failing health, and the resentment of my wanting money quickly in order to take Mark on a vacation could have led to arguments, hurt feelings and worse.

Haven't you seen this kind of craziness happen over weddings? My daughter is nuts over how I'm going to fit 70 people in our tiny living room for her baby shower next week.

Me? If it's stress and disruption over something "bad" then I give up on writing and do whatever I need to in order to stay afloat. If Mark was in the ER (which he was last month, for chest pain) I would bring the most erotic romance I could find and read him hot bits between nursing visits in order to make him smile.

But if it's anxiety over something "good," I am severe with myself in not angsting, and not devoting extra time to worrying, talking about it or anxiously running around wasting time. Not that I'm always successful, but I am getting better all the time.

All of your stuff this week sounds pretty bad but that's not always the case, right? I say keep the difference in mind :) Lisa
Thank you, Lisa for your insight.
It's so easy to get caught up in drama whither it's your own or someone else's. As well as making drama over stuff that may turn out to be perfectly fine.
Thank you for reminding me to keep the right perspective on life.
(y) Caren
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Thank you, Lisa for your insight.
It's so easy to get caught up in drama whither it's your own or someone else's. As well as making drama over stuff that may turn out to be perfectly fine.
Thank you for reminding me to keep the right perspective on life.
(y) Caren
I hope everyone's okay this week. I'd also say your words this month are hard-won victories all in themselves :D
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