Hello - Glad to Be Here

Hello Savvy Authors!

My name is Jason Wrench and I'm in the process of publishing my first novel. It's slated for publication in November 2021 by Pride Publishing. Right now, I'm already working on the sequel which is due to my editor by the end of 2020. Let's just say that this has already been a whirlwind experience. I originally wrote the first book back in 2010. During this COVID-19 quarantine, I finally dusted it off and set about editing it. I found Pride Publishing and sent it to them just to see what would happen. The next thing I know I was signing a contract and discussing the sequel.

I look forward to "meeting" everyone here and getting to know other authors.

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Welcome, @JasonWrench!

It's great to e-meet you! Welcome to SavvyAuthors. Congratulations on selling your book!

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