Is anyone doing NaNovember writing bootcamp?

Are you planning to participate in writing bootcamp in November?

  • Heck yes! I never miss.

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  • No, it's not for me this year.

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  • Maybe. I'm not sure.

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RJ Garside

Premium Member
Jul 14, 2014

Since it's almost the middle of September (where the heck did the summer go?), I'm already starting to plan my November bootcamp novel.

If you are planning to participate, are you a plotter (like to plot out your entire novel), pantser (write as the words come to me), or a plantser (the hybrid approach)?

I am a plotter at heart, but when I'm in the middle of bootcamp then often times I'll jump off my plotting path. I'm trying to get down a skeleton plot so that I can write without distraction.

What about you? I'd love to hear if you are participating and if you do any planning leading up to November 1st.

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Hi RJ!

I'm hoping to participate. I'm more of a hybrid writer--free writing until some point in the middle when I'll need to plan at least a couple of scenes ahead to keep me going and focused. The only thing I'll do before most of the writing is worldbuilding to some extent, if it's a story that requires worldbuilding.

I'm going to be drafting the first book of a series: WINGS. Genre: technofantasy.

I'll be posting a mock book cover (love doing these!) at some point before November in the books section for stories being drafted (Manuscripts in Progress in the Our Books section of SA).

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Hi RJ!

I'm hoping to participate. I'm more of a hybrid writer--free writing until some point in the middle when I'll need to plan at least a couple of scenes ahead to keep me going and focused. The only thing I'll do before most of the writing is worldbuilding to some extent, if it's a story that requires worldbuilding.

I'm going to be drafting the first book of a series: WINGS. Genre: technofantasy.

I'll be posting a mock book cover (love doing these!) at some point before November in the books section for stories being drafted (Manuscripts in Progress in the Our Books section of SA).

Hi June!

I think the hybrid approach is truly the best of both worlds. :) Do you build the world building in your head or do you plot or write/type it out? Do you find you ever get pulled into the world building?

Your WIP sounds so cool! I've never heard of technofantasy, but I'm so intrigued! Do you have any authors or books that you recommend in the genre? I'm always looking to expand my reading.

I love the idea of a mock book cover! I've thought about doing it, but I worry that I won't be able to get my brain back on actually writing.

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Hi RJ,

Worldbuilding does start in my mind and when it’s at a certain point (a feeling that I’m “full”) then I start brainstorming on paper (and now, often with ChatGPT or Claude). I usually don’t get lost in the creation of the story world as I want to get to writing the story.

Technofantasy books:

Techno Fantasy Books (

NOTE: I’m not familiar with many of the books on the list so they may not fall under the strict “definition” of technofantasy. The definition I use for this subgenre is: a mix of fantasy/magic and technology (current or future technology). Some would say that it should be in a science fiction setting while others believe this can be done within a fantasy setting. (For example, what if Elves (or any other fantasy beings) developed computers, AI, and /or virtual reality independently of humans? How would this affect their culture and lives? How would this affect their use of magic?)

In many respects, the Star Wars movies are technofantasy, if you consider the Force (and other similar fantasy-like elements of the story) as a fantasy element.

I love making a mock book cover for each project, even shorter fiction. They are fun to create and provide me with focus and motivation. They are also another way of expressing creativity.

Maybe I should consider doing a two-week workshop on creating mock book covers?

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Hi RJ,

Worldbuilding does start in my mind and when it’s at a certain point (a feeling that I’m “full”) then I start brainstorming on paper (and now, often with ChatGPT or Claude). I usually don’t get lost in the creation of the story world as I want to get to writing the story.

Technofantasy books:

Techno Fantasy Books (

NOTE: I’m not familiar with many of the books on the list so they may not fall under the strict “definition” of technofantasy. The definition I use for this subgenre is: a mix of fantasy/magic and technology (current or future technology). Some would say that it should be in a science fiction setting while others believe this can be done within a fantasy setting. (For example, what if Elves (or any other fantasy beings) developed computers, AI, and /or virtual reality independently of humans? How would this affect their culture and lives? How would this affect their use of magic?)

In many respects, the Star Wars movies are technofantasy, if you consider the Force (and other similar fantasy-like elements of the story) as a fantasy element.

I love making a mock book cover for each project, even shorter fiction. They are fun to create and provide me with focus and motivation. They are also another way of expressing creativity.

Maybe I should consider doing a two-week workshop on creating mock book covers?

Hi June,

Thanks so much! I'm definitely going to check those out. My oldest is just starting to get obsessed with Star Wards so it might be fun to be able to show him a different reading genre.

And yes! I bet members would love seeing how to create a mock book cover. I bet it gets the creative juices going!

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