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Lecture Lesson Three on How to Survive NaNoWriMo

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi all,

Here are your next few tips to have a successful NaNoWriMo.

Have an awesomely productive week! :party: :giggle:

Irene S. Roth

Tip 3: Create a Success Plan

Success plans are important tools for writers to organize their yearly, monthly, and weekly writing goals. A success plan is simply a list of detailed actions that should be taken to achieve our writing goals. The first step, however, is to determine our three long-term main goals for the year. From these, we can plan our short-term monthly goals for the first quarter of the year.

Creating a success plan may initially require some effort and organization. However, it is worth it in the long run. Here are five important benefits of creating a success plan for the year.

1. Clarification

Unless we first write down our goals and plan which ones to complete over a given time, we won't have any clarity about our writing goals.

We'll just be busily working on writing tasks that have no overall organization and completion to them. More importantly, we won’t have a plan in place to systematically complete our longer writing goals.

2. Consistency

If we don't write down how we plan to complete our writing goals, they won't have an overall consistency, and we will aimlessly move from one task to the next. To be successful, we must work with some degree of consistency on our writing projects. Thus, by carefully planning our goals ahead of time, we can accomplish our short-term and long-term goals by taking the possible inconsistency and unreliability out of our writing.

3. Commitment

We need to consistently track how we are doing so that we can commit to our most important writing goals. If we create a success plan for the first three months of the year, all we have to do is to glance at our success plan to determine whether or not we're effectively committing our efforts to our writing goals. If we aren't completing our three goals, we can recommit by examining our success plan and getting back on track.

4. Focus

Many times, we may have a difficult time prioritizing our writing projects. If our deadlines aren't clearly laid out, we will leave certain projects until the last minute, reducing our chances of success because the quality of our writing will be of inferior quality. We must take the necessary time to produce our best work. This is the case whether or not we are amateur writers.

5. Self-Confidence

There is nothing more exhilarating than crossing off one of our goals for the quarter. It helps us to feel more confident about completing our writing projects. Further, nothing builds momentum quicker or gives us more of a sense of accomplishment than realizing that we've been successful.

Given these benefits of success plans, writers cannot afford not to take the time to create one for themselves every quarter. All of us should take the time to determine our three main writing goals for the year, and then to place them on our success plan weekly and monthly. By doing this, we should have the most productive writing year we've ever had!

Tip 4: Write in a Focused Manner

So many writers don’t write with focus and heart. There are way too many things to usually distract us from writing. And this can cause a lot of problems for writers and it can translate into a lack of productivity and control for writers.

What is even more difficult to take, if a writer can’t write with focus, she probably won’t write the best quality manuscripts either. So, it is essential for writers to learn how to focus as much as possible while they write.

Here are a few tips to achieve this:

1. Turn off the ringer on the phone or go into a room without a phone.

2. Don’t bring your cell phone or iPad to your writing session.

3. Tell your family and friends that you will be writing and when your schedule time comes, go into your office and write.

4. Post your scheduled writing times on the fridge and talk to your family about the times.

5. Be serious about your writing times. Don’t let other activities be more important than your writing.

6. Do a short meditation session when you come into you write. Then start writing. Don’t do anything but write during your writing session.

By taking these steps, you’ll be writing with heart and focus when you sit down to write. This positive mindset will eliminate self-doubt and help you write confidently.

So, take the time to focus before you start writing. Only you can eliminate all the secondary things to writing and focus on writing, your writing life will be stress free as much as possible and you will be doing your best writing.
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