Hi! I'm Allison. I've been with Savvy off and on since 2010. I did the Entangled Smackdown in 2013 -- and met some really awesome people. @Lenee Anderson and @JL_G who were on the historical team. We kinda just met through the sprints, and probably me talking smack either on the forums or on Twitter.
(I was on Team Bliss, so the sweet contemporary team.)
My current writing projects include a seasoned romance (I reeeeeeeally do hate that term!) that I'll probably be doing for that Get That Book Written workshop; a YA romance/fanfiction thing I started back during July Camp NaNoWriMo (I'm a non-traditional student who finally graduated college in 2019, but college has also put me into a 5+ year bout of writer's block. This fanfiction thing helped me start to breakthrough it); and the never-ending chick lit.
I'm notoriously bad at signing up for workshops and bootcamps, and never seeing them through. I swear and promise that I will not do that with the Get That Book Written workshop! When I had registered for it back... geesh... earlier this year? I had registered for it because it was a free event. Then I was going through my courses today; read the description of it; saw that there was a registration limit of 15 and that it was full, and I was like, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

My current writing projects include a seasoned romance (I reeeeeeeally do hate that term!) that I'll probably be doing for that Get That Book Written workshop; a YA romance/fanfiction thing I started back during July Camp NaNoWriMo (I'm a non-traditional student who finally graduated college in 2019, but college has also put me into a 5+ year bout of writer's block. This fanfiction thing helped me start to breakthrough it); and the never-ending chick lit.
I'm notoriously bad at signing up for workshops and bootcamps, and never seeing them through. I swear and promise that I will not do that with the Get That Book Written workshop! When I had registered for it back... geesh... earlier this year? I had registered for it because it was a free event. Then I was going through my courses today; read the description of it; saw that there was a registration limit of 15 and that it was full, and I was like, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."