Looking for a Great Summer Read


Savvy Mod
Premium Member
  • Dec 31, 2012
    South Dakota
    The last three books I bought ended up being DNFd for various reasons. Has anyone read a book lately that kept you turning the pages? If so please share. :) I'm heading to the lake on Thursday afternoon and want to sit back with a really good romance! (My fav genre is contemporary western) and I don't read super hot stuff. ;-) Even so, share the hot stuff for those who might see the recommendation.

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    Hey, Dawn, you asked, so here's a tip on a thriller that surprised me. I sat up reading it all night. James Scott Bell's "Your Son Is Alive". Fast-paced read. Sorry, no idea about really good f/m romance. Hopefully, someone will help you out. I should ask my daughter. She reads romance for breakfast, lunch and dinner and works a full time job but still subsidizes romance writers at five books a week!! Somebody's gotta do it, right? Have fun! I'm probably too late, so apologies. Report back on what you ended up with. Inquiring minds always want to know. ;)
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    Wow...your daughter is dedicated! lol

    I have only read James Scott Bell's non-fiction books, but I'll give this one a go and put it on my TBR list. Thanks for the rec! I got pushed into reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert by a friend. It's a non-fiction book and so far it's decent. Guess I'll just take that one with me. ;)
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