My first day here...

Hi @RobynMH
Welcome to Savvy Authors. This is the best place for learning the craft of writing. Right now a whole bunch of our leaders are at the RWA (Romance Writers of America) in Colorado. So the people that usually pop in to say hi are not here.
I'm very glad @Harold found your post. When @lesliedow or @Mona or @DawnChartier @Tamsen Kaye and @Lynn Shannon come around, they'll say hi.
I'm one of the moderators here and so if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask by PM.
Have a great time!
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Welcome, Robyn. It's always nice to see a new face here. I hope you're exploring all the blogs and perusing the upcoming classes. Whatever classes you decide to take, my advice is to actively participate. It will help you and others in your class learn from the feedback. And you'll meet some awfully nice people here. Who might even meet your perfect critique partner. I've made a ton of friends through SavvyAuthors and many of us have met at various conventions. Like @Lyn, I'm a moderator and hope to see you in one of the classes I moderate.
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