Newbie wants to say hello

Hey everyone! My name is Valerie Bragg, and I'm looking forward to getting around this site.

I write adventure scifi and romanctic scifi, planning two separate series on opposite ends of the same universe. I have finished my first manuscript and currently seeking an affordable editor (haven't published it yet) for last minute edits, since it has been through about 4 rounds of edits so far. I am hoping to get it published in late fall, once I have the first draft of book 2 completed as well.

Being a part of the community in self-publishing is really important to me, so I'm looking forward to getting to know people here!
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Welcome @ValerieBraggWrites!
You've come to the right place. We have a good group of sf adventure writers. Congrats on the finishing your book! @lesliedow will be along and can point you towards some possible editors.

We have a sf fantasy SIG (special interest group) that might interest you.

@Rhonda is in charge of the SIG and is also a self-published writer.

See you around,
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Welcome, Valerie! You've come to the right place. SA offers a variety of opportunities for writers of any genre. I hope to see you in class or in one of our special events. You're gonna love it here.
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