You have come to the right place. We have lots of Romance writers and quite a few who write historical. You may want to join a SIG (special interest group) which can put you in touch with others of similar interest.
Also, check out the spectacular classes/workshops. I think we have the best and most cost-effective classes on the web. You can't beat the interaction directly with instructors.
I'm a moderator here and if you have questions, just ask.
Quite a few of our people are on vacation, but I am sure that a few will stop by to say hi. I'm sure @Mona, @RJ Garside, @lesliedow, @Lynn Shannon, and @Dawn_McClure will stop by when they can.
Welcome to our world, Escapee! My motto is....when in doubt, go poking around and see what you find. LOL Just kidding, but it is good advice for this site. We have lots of little treasures stashed away waiting to be found. I especially like to read the blogs. Make yourself at home and don't be afraid to jump in and make friends.
I would love to find some SIGs that I have something share with. I have a wide range of interest and appreciate others that do also. Thank you for the welcome.
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