Now available...Homeless Joy

Homeless Joy: An exposé in poetry was conceived as a follow up to J.L. Wright’s first book, Unadoptable Joy: A memoir in poetry and prose. As she wrote the honest journey of growing up in foster-care, Miss Wright looked deeper at her story - not knowing if her family and her home was permanent. She further explored her own experiences of living in a tent after graduating from college, while looking for work. Discovering that having a job doesn’t mean one can afford safe consistent housing, she began to write.

Motivated to address the issue of homelessness, J. L. began telling her own stories of homelessness. She shared the stories of others and looks at the issue of homelessness in more depth. The book Homeless Joy delves into several aspects of homelessness; including who, where, and why. Each aspect introduced with well researched prose, individual stories histories are developed in poetic verse. The tales of the homeless paint a rainbow of contradictions and complications, challenging the reader to grapple with their own personal beliefs and prejudices. This book captures the disconnect between the reality and fantasy of living on the edge; the chasm between questions, answers, and resolution and the ultimate decision to do something to change the future.

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