• SavvyAuthors is closed for business pending a potential purchase offer

    The site will no longer be accessible on August 1, 2024 if a buyer is not found. Please review the post here for information on refunds and payments.
    There is the possiblity it will be purchased and re-opened please see this thread for more information
    ~Thank you for 14 wonderful years!

Kathleen McRae

Premium Member
Dec 1, 2014
Hi, Leslie,
When I click on the new chatroom (I think it was the watercooler), I can see the previous message(s). Will there be private chatrooms again, and is there a way to clear the info before exiting? Some of the instructors who host chats as part of the workshop won't want their posted lesson or feedback to class questions up indefinitely.

Thank you very much--LOVE THE NEW SITE LOOK AND LAYOUT!!! :love:
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Hi Kathleen!
Glad you like the new stuff. I had an issue pop back up so I have temporarily dialed us back to the old theme. Once I get that sorted we'll be back to the new loook.. :)

WRT the chatroom, yes we will have private ones. I've created a couple already. Anyone who wants a private chatroom needs to just let me know and we can set that up. The chats do persist in the room. I'm looking into how to clear them out, but the class chatrooms will be limited to just class members.

Let me know if you have other questions.

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Hi Jane
Yep! It's a new type of chatforum. I'm working on getting the who is in chat function working. The Watercooler comes with this built in and I have questions out to the developers on how I can extend that to the other rooms. As usual, we at SavvyAuthors are pushing the envelope. LOL

I hope to have something in place pretty soon!

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