• Hi all! This is Mike Creuzer. I am currently working on a proper announcement, but wanted to make sure there was a notice posted that we are turning the ship around! Stay tuned!

Pitch Results SavvyAuthors Spring Pitchfest 2024: Agent Requests & Editor Requests

Results from our SavvyAuthors Pitchfests
Thanks to all the wonderful agents who spent hours reviewing the submissions. We could not hold these events without you, and we very much appreciate your time and efforts! Thank you for supporting the SavvyAuthors community!

This Spring Pitchfest, we had over 4,000 submissions to Agents and Editors. Thanks also to all of you who pitched! If your story did not find a home in this Pitchfest, we are certain it will with your dedication and perseverance!

And do not forget that we are a short 6 months away from Autumn Pitchfest and registration for this free event is OPEN!

~RJ Garside, Leslie Dow, Dawn McClure, and Walker Dow and all the volunteers at SavvyAuthors!

Agent Requests

  • All requests have been submitted. Updated March 31 @ 3:10 p.m. EST

Andie Smith, Booker Albert Agency​

Please have these authors send me their query, synopsis, and first 3 chapters to Andie’s QueryManager: Query Submission.
* Please include “Savvy Authors” in the referral box.
  • Sex, Lies, and Dating Disasters by Cheryl Smith
  • Play It Again by Katie Jung
  • City of Second Chances by Aurrice Duke-Rollings
  • Somewhere Along the Continuum by Rain Sullivan
  • A Whisper in the Trees by Susan Dalessandro
  • Dare to Lose by Angelique Russell
  • Drives Like a Girl by Patti J. Kurtz
  • The Accident by Lori Miller Kase
  • To Belong by Emily Hoisington
  • The Brink Box by Kimberly Christensen

Colleen Oefelein, MacGregor and Luedeke Literary​

Please send your query, synopsis, and first 10 pages to [email protected]
  • Death is in the Air by Ellen Gardiner
  • 100 DAYS OF UNLOVING YOU by Marisa Salvia
  • Aramide and the Sea Creatures by Olumayowa Pamela Odunaiya
  • Idunnuola by Olumayowa Pamela Odunaiya
  • Free to Love by Judy Malcolm
  • Holden House by Emma Leigh Reed
  • Who Killed Dani Tanner? By Dan Marz
  • Old Flames, New Beginnings by Lea Schizas
  • A Summer In the City by Eileen Joyce Donovan
  • WORKING (IT) OUT by Jody Wenner
  • DEAR SLOANE by Lauren Khan
  • One Man’s Salvation by ML Uberti
  • Beneath the Southern Stars by Amy Craig
  • Jenna by Marianne Joyce
  • Light in Dark Places by Rebecca Clyburn
  • THE INK & PAPER SOCIETY by Jennifer Hawes
  • The Ninth Genius by Emily Bergren
  • A SCOOP ON MURDER by Paula Barr
  • Murder in Circulation by Kaitlin Morton-Bentley
  • Murder in Old English by Marian Rakestraw
  • Make a Grown Man Cry by Jody Lebel
  • Running Into the Fire by Jody Lebel
  • Saving Ember by Lorah Jaiyn
  • Cabana Bay by Ruben D. Gonzales
  • Defy the Crown by Kristi McManus
  • Laws of the Heart by Rachel Levy Sarfin
  • How to Wreck a Life by Rebecca Minelga
  • You Will Be Mine by N.J. Adel
  • Viral Chase by Brad Kalbfeld
  • SHADOWMIRE by Elizabeth Keysian
  • The Rescue Remedy by Marcy Bassett-Kennedy
  • So Much Vengeance From A Loser by Rosie Schreiber
  • Surviving Shelby by Lynn Dyskievicz- Dick
  • SCARS by Denise Redman-Satterly
  • Holiday Connection by Lianne Robinson
  • THE DEBTOR’S DAUGHTER by Melissa Byrne
  • CRIME BITES by Barbara Preslier
  • BECOMING THE BONES by Susan Burdorf
  • UNDER GROUND by Susan Burdorf
  • Midsummer Madness by Mary Senior Harwood
  • Love Throws a Curveball by Lorah Jaiyn
  • I LOVE THE WAY YOU DIE by Bianca Malcolm
  • Charity Ball by Mara Holguin Fouts
  • Never Go Back by Stephanie Cotela
  • Dying to Open by Shelli Margolin-Mayer
  • Green Mountain Bride by Laura Davies Tilley w/a Alyssa Roberts
  • A Duke She Couldn't Refuse by Victoria Elliot
  • Reining In Love by Melanie McCarthy
  • Whispered Hearts by Patience Akpan-Obong and Terri Fields

Jackie Kruzie, Focused Artists​

Please send query, synopsis, and first 10 pages to: Query Submission
  • BLUE STREAK SUMMER by Evelyn Krieger
  • Free to Love by Judy Malcolm
  • BONE APPÈTIT by Kari Ann Gonzalez (requests first 10 pages of MG and full PB)
  • Baking Your Heart Out by Bethany Perry
  • FIVE TILL PLACES by J. Myles Hesse
  • A SCOOP ON MURDER by Paula Barr
  • LOCKED-IN by Susie Robinson
  • Pour Decisions by Tobi Doyle
  • Black Courtier by Audrey L. Dowling
  • Nu-Yo and the Old Dragon's Daughter by Shuazong Chanthalakeo

Jacqueline Lipton, The Tobias Literary Agency​

Please send query, synopsis, and first 20-30 pages of their manuscript (wherever a page or chapter break works most naturally) to: Query Submission

* Please include "Savvy Authors Spring Pitchfest Request" in the referral line.
  • Scones and Skull Bones (Jacque Rosman)
  • Untitled Crime Thriller, 85k words (Allison Meldrum)
  • Ghost in the Set (Arielle Fenger)
  • Griddles & Grudges (Desiree DiFabio)
  • Mask of a Thousand Angels (Maryn Boess)
  • Pebble Girl and the Secrets of Mount Hua (Natalie Ku)
  • Working (It) Out (Jody Wenner)
  • The Achilles Factor (Marianne Joyce)
  • A Time for Hate (Caitie Finlayson)
  • Murder in Old English (Marian Rakestraw)
  • Disorder (Peyton Garland)
  • Chantal Amber House (Laura Blackwell)
  • Facets of Murder (Julie Ciccarelli)
  • You Will Be Mine (N.J. Adel)
  • This One Little Life Stephanie Webb)
  • The Statue of Cliffside Manor (C S Simpson)
  • Malicious Devotion (Jocelyn Chen)
  • The Shadow Spectacular (Kay Bynum)
  • The Curse of Tlaloc (Claude Forthomme)
  • Haunter: Ghost-for-Hire (Christopher Jones)

Jordy Albert, Book Albert Agency​

Please send query, synopsis, and first 50 pages to: Query Submission
  • Dare to Lose by Angelique Russell
  • Going Back to When We Began by Laurel Hill
  • Red & Remembrance by C.R. Ware
  • The Witching Hour by Dana Nuenighoff
  • Parsidus by Karin Maatman
  • The Billionaire Bourbon Bet by DK Marie
  • The Tenth Blessing by Taylor Wylie
  • The Rescue Remedy by Marcy Bassett-Kennedy
  • The Empyreans of Kamadhatu: House of Nakt-Kshatra by Pearly D’Souza
  • Surviving Shelby by Lynn Dyskievicz-Dick

Louise Buckley, Hannah Sheppard Literary Agency​

Please send query letter, synopsis and first 10 pages to: [email protected]
  • Carol Ayer - A Storybook Christmas
  • Laura Jordan - The Isla Collective
  • Katie Maugatter - Beyond Here Lies Nothing
  • Danielle Winston - Haunted Women
  • Dan Marz - Who Killed Dani Tanner?
  • Nola d'Enis - Long Shadows
  • Joan Ramirez - Parisian Saviour
  • N. J. Adel - You Will Be Mine
  • Stephanie Webb - This One Little Life
  • J M Ledwell - Red Snow
  • Mary Senior Harwood - Grace Notes
  • M. William - Birth Witch
  • J Alexander Cohen - The Library at Eventide
  • Christopher Jones - Ghost-for-Hire

Lynnette Novak, The Seymour Agency​

Genre specific submission guidelines – see requested information at send to [email protected]
  • Picture book request: Send query and attach the picture book MS as a Word document (docx). Add "Requested Picture Book – Savvy Authors" along with your title in the subject line. If author/illustrator, please include dummy as PDF (if available).
  • Non Fiction Request: Send query and attach your proposal as a Word document (docx). Add “Requested NF Proposal – Savvy Authors” along with your title in the subject line
  • Fiction Request: Send me the query, full, and a synopsis (2-4 pages)? Please use Times New Roman, size 12, black, double-spaced text, 1” margins all around, and ½” paragraph indents. Attach the manuscript and synopsis as two separate Word documents (docx). Add "Requested – Savvy Authors" along with your title in the subject line

  • COOKING UP LOVE by Rachel Scott
  • What I Learned on the Bus by Maria C. Palmer
  • Cinderella's Dusting Damsels by Susan Johnston Taylor
  • The Sentry-Box Del Diablo by Kim Vazquez
  • Cinderella Caterpillar: A Monarch Tale by Emily Dolbin
  • Sam's Intergalactic Sleepover by Robin wiesneth
  • Puppy Princess Letters by Alice Carty Fulgione
  • Camera Shy by Chandra Mayer
  • The Sound of Justice by Jimmy Dennis and Queen Muse
  • Fresh Tracks by John Zeleznik
  • Sunderella by Jayne Toman
  • Impossible Luck: My Life as a Pro Sports Owner and Entertainment Promoter by Dr. Leonard Bloom as told to Karen Marchetti
  • Memoir of a Mangled Mind: Surviving My Multiple Personalities by Steven Shelton
  • Feeding Wars: The Making and Meaning of Nourishment by Mallory Thomas
  • Naked Conversations: Body Confidence Lessons from a Boudoir Photographer by Meghan Hof
  • Nu-Yo and the Old Dragon's Daughter by Shuazong Chanthalakeo

Tamanna Bhasin, The Rights Factory * Just added

Please submit query letter, author bio, and first three chapters of the manuscript to [email protected]
  • Swipe Right by Taylor Ellis
  • Racing Heart by Emma Dicker
  • Maclen Kivi and the Chozin Defenders: The Astrid Quest by N. Aubrey Cairney
  • Life After Death by Jade Winters
  • I Love the Way You Die by Bianca Malcolm
  • The Library at Eventide by J. Alexander Cohen
  • Somewhere Along the Line by Mallory Thomas
  • Violet Thistlethwaite is Not A Villain Anymore by Emily Krempholtz
  • Disorder by Peyton Garland
  • The Ivy that Chains Us by Catherine Holdt
  • Waking Other Lives by Alena Des
  • The Ghost of You Lingers by Mel Lake
  • The Flametenders by Gabrielle Story
  • Kannagi by Bhargavi Kumaran
  • Ghosted by Allorianna Matsourani
  • The Amulet of Amun by N. M. Mainardi
  • How I Met My Demon by Jason Antares
  • The Billionaire Bourbon Bet by DK Marie
  • Miss Foy's Wicked Month by Jenna Bigelow
  • Aramide and the Sea Creatures by Olumayowa Pamela Odunaiya

Amy Nielson, Purcell Literary Agency​

Please submit query, synopsis, and first 10 pages to: Query Submission
  • Baking Your Heart Out by Bethany Perry
  • FIVE TILL PLACES by J. Myles Hesse

Editor Requests​

Helen H. Wu, Yeehoo Press​

Please send email to [email protected]
The email subject line must read: “SavvyAuthors PB: TITLE by AUTHOR”
Attach text-only manuscripts as Microsoft Word attachments.
Send art samples, dummy and other materials via a link.
  • Paws Off Our Library! by Catherine Friess
  • GOLDIBOT by Daryl-Lynne Gottier
  • MEL by Emily Keifer by Firefly's Light by MK Stone

Holly Ingraham, Alcove Press & Crooked Lane​

Please submit blurb/description, short synopsis if available (1-2 pages max), and the full manuscript as a Word document to [email protected]
  • Beyond Here Lies Nothing by Katie Maigatter
  • The Perfect Replacement by Viviana Vasiu
  • That Which is Lost by Alice Fitzpatrick

Jess Verdi, Alcove Press & Crooked Lane​

Please submit blurb/description, synopsis, and 3 chapters as a Word document to [email protected]
  • Hallie Demers Gets It by Sarah Vance-Tompkins
  • Ripped from Time by H.H. Pilz
  • The Perfect Mistake by Megan Hof

Josh Gregory, Albert Whitman​

Please submit query, synopsis, and full manuscript to [email protected]
  • “Florence’s Rose” by Stephanie Maksymiw
  • “Crack! Chick! Boom!” by Angela Calabrese
  • “Soccer Stars” by Christina Farley
  • “Time for Dominoes” by Malik Toppins and Janice Torres
  • “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Finding Your Family” by Robin Wiesneth
  • “The Pearl Necklace” by Jessica Wendi Abel
  • “The Inclusion Club” by Cassie Silva
  • “Onions for Breakfast” by Sarah Heaton
  • “Friendship at Manzanar” by Eloise Freeman and Sandra Martin
  • “Rangoli of Hope” by Reenita Hora
  • “The Lockdown Rule” by Nicole Garnett
  • “Chispa of Hope” by Norma Cardenas
  • “Blackbird” by Krista Barrett
  • “The King of Bollywood” by Nadia Ali

Taylor Gelderman, Sourcebooks​

Please submit query, synopsis, and full manuscript to [email protected]
* Please include SavvyAuthors or Pitchfest in the subject line.
  • THROUGH THE ASH TREE by Amy Higgins
  • FROST AND FLAME by Margo Bond Collins
  • BLOOD MANOR by Elvir Belardi
  • STOLEN FATE by Mary Rose Luksha
  • HELLBOUND by Stephanie Bruneau

Tess Jones, Egret Books​

Please email full query letter at [email protected] with the following:

Email Subject:

Email Content:
- Everything that you originally posted in your pitch
- Short biography and your contact information including social media and/or website
- A summary including the beginning, middle, and end of the story
- Paste the first THIRTY pages of your manuscript in the body of the email. Do not attach content, all text must be inline in the email.

  • THE SPACE BETWEEN ATOMS by Meredith Mackin Rilley
  • Dairyland Acres RV Park: A Novel by Michelle Caffrey
  • UP THE CREEK by Shelley Marsh
  • A Summer In the City by Eileen Joyce Donovan
  • Coming Up for Air by Heather Shoning
  • Last Look by Carol Morrison
  • DEAR SLOANE by Lauren Khan
  • One Man’s Salvation by ML Uberti
  • Awakened Bayou by Dawn Chartier
  • Harvest On the Bayou by Dawn Chartier
  • Inkwell Confessions by C, Deanne Rowe
  • How to Wreck a Life by Rebecca Minelga
  • Miss Trusted by Janice Bremec Blum
  • Surviving Shelby by Lynn Dyskievicz-Dick
  • Holiday Connection by Lianne Robinson
  • SCARS by Denise Redman-Satterly
  • Austen Inspired by Alana Highbury
  • Austen Persuaded by Alana Highbury
  • The Bridle Path by Constance Elliott
  • Seeking Sasha by Laura Frost
  • Pictures of My Desire by Caroline Goldberg Igra
  • The neighbours baby by Gemma S
  • The Merry Wives of Windsor by CoeDee Shaner Burba
  • SOMEWHERE ALONG THE LINE by Mallory Thomas
  • The Unknown Voice by Louise Pelletier
  • Perfectly Planned Life by Leslie J Hall
  • City of Second Chances by Aurrice Duke-Rollings
  • DICE FOR LOVE by Wyatt Ong
  • Charity Ball by Mara Holguin Fouts
  • PAPER AIRPLANE by Corey M. Panergo
  • Home for the Holidays by Rosie J. Potter
  • The Nesting Plot by Catherine Mallette
  • Falling Around You by Jennifer McDonough
  • The Perfect Mistake by Meghan Hof

Tova Seltzer, Holiday House​

Please email the full manuscripts to me here at [email protected], with "SavvyAuthors Request" in the subject line, and the pitch included in the email body would be great. The manuscripts can be word docs, PDFs or just pasted in the body.
  • A Castle for Queens
  • The Very Curious Artist
  • The Rivertown Mystery
  • Friendship at Manzanar
  • How to Package a Giraffe in a Hurry
  • What is Help
  • Chispa of Hope

Michael Dolan, Winding Road Publishing​

Please submit query, synopsis, and full manuscript to [email protected]
  • #2 Matt Leyshon: I Smell A Rat
  • #36 Elvir Belardi: Blood Manor
  • #57 Suzanne Mattaboni: Gore, Lust & Kin
  • #65 Arlene Kay: The Acolyte
  • #67 Mark Philbin: Kill Them All
  • #71 Paula Barr Skillcorn: A Scoop on Murder
  • #90 Sheri Taylor-Emery: What She Thought She Knew
  • #98 Greta Gize: You Were the Topic of Discussion

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