To sex or not in UF? (copied from special event forum)


Feb 15, 2010
Columbus, OH
I'm at about the 70% complete mark in my Urban Fantasy, and at no point did I intend to write in a sex scene. There is lots of heat between my leading lady and main man, but no hanky panky.

Only they changed things up on me yday.

I let the words flow in a scene where innuendo lead to a training session instead and now LL is kinda hot and bothered. Because I'm writing UF, I can see this going one of two ways: 1 - (the planned idea) was to get in the kiss, establish interest, but have LL's distrust pull her back from the brink OR 2 - the smexing will commence.

Online forums are divided on the subject - some readers want hints of sex only. No images of it on the pages (I interpret as "scene goes to black"). Others don't mind a page of hot and heavy as long as the majority of the story isn't dedicated to the romance. A minority will throw the book at a wall if a UF skews romantic.

If I had a CP or two I'd ask them their thoughts; instead I wonder if you lovely people would mind sharing yours?All opinions are welcome. As I said, I'm torn and open to any advice.

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I answered in the other forum.

simple form:

Write both ways.
Determine during edits.
Offer both and give the reader a choice between the two.
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