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Question What are your Goals for the Week of February 18th, 2019?

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi all,

What are your goals for this week?

Please post them under this thread.

Have a great week!
Irene Roth
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1. Finish my outline of Dragon Girl 3
2. Finish my draft of my non-fiction ebook... maybe start making some images.
3. Do the underline a story exercise from the Pulp Era Writing Tips Book with the opening chapter of Anne McCaffrey's Freedom's Landing
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Lauren's Goals for week of Feb 18-24:

1. Write every day 30 minutes min (7-7:30pm after work)

2. Finish Chapter 21 scenes and update section of Outline (book 2)

3. Decide & write Chapter 22 scenes and update section of Outline (book 2)

4. Google Big 5 Mystery Thriller/Spiritual Thriller Agents - Verify they represent Top Selling Authors in last 2 years

5. Query 2 Agents with Book 1 in 8-book series

Goals for February (18-28; 11 days):

1. FINISH Chapter 21, WRITE Chapters 22 & 23 – Feb 18-28 (11 days)

2. FINISH REVISING book 1 (body language vs swear words & soften sex scene) – March 1 - 21

3. Druid Craft Tarot Cards for Scene Development & Spiritual Guidance
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Omygosh - how is it Wed already?!?

This is one of those weeks where it feels like the universe is conspiring to keep me from meeting any goals. It makes me believe Stephen Pressfield - Resistance is real and it IS out to get me. That said, here's my plan for salvaging this week:

Wed (today): 9:30-11:00 work on the magical realm revisions for this ms
Thurs: (6:30-7:30) - prep a blog article for posting on Savvy Authors (woot!)
Fri: (6:30-8:00; 9:15-12:15) - finish the magical realm revisions and draft a query letter

Also, I've got to figure out when to do some #AMM research and do some social media management pertaining to Sunday's blog post, but those are likely to be my after-the-kid-finally-goes-to-bed "free time" activities.
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