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Discussion What Should you Do This Weekend?

Sunny Irene Roth

Dec 5, 2010
Hi writing friends!

I always get asked by writers what should I do on the weekend to be my best during the week.

My answer to writers is always the same: it depends on whether you write full time, work full time, and what your priorities in life are.

If you write full time, then you may need to take a break and do something completely different to recharge your batteries for a few hours or a day. You may want to go to the beach, which is my favorite place to regroup and refresh. Or you may want to take a day trip somewhere. Then, when you come back, you will feel refreshed.

If you work full time, then you may need to get some extra writing done on the weekend. This is because when we work, we may have a really busy day at work or we may have been unable to write a few evenings, although we planned to write.

When we work full time or even part time, our jobs and family take on a rhythm of its own, making it difficult to write many times. So, on the weekend, we must take some time to catch up. So, we may want to plan a few one-to-two-hour marathon sessions where we just complete some of our goals.

The same holds for if we are home with the kids all day. Find time to write can be very hard indeed. So, writers have to get creative with their writing times. They may have to write first thing in the morning or late in the evening after the kids are in bed. And if those two times didn’t work because our children were sick with the flu or we were exhausted, then the weekend can be a time for us to catch up on our word counts and goals.

There are also some writers who have kids in school now that September is right around the corner. This can give writers more time to write. But for the first few weeks, it's hard to get into the rhythm of writing during the day because that’s not what we’re used to. Therefore, we may need to catch up on the weekend for the first few weeks.

Lastly, there are writers who write regardless of what else is going on in their lives. They may be working full time and have kids at home after school, and yet somehow, they still find time to write regularly because they set their priorities on being a writer and completing goals.

So, today, or sometime on the weekend, take out your writer’s journal and reflect on what kind of writer you are. Also, take some time to decide which season of life you are in. Then, on Sunday, create a writing schedule that you can manage so that you can get some writing done regularly.

Try it!

Irene Roth
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