• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

    Register View thread

eBook "signing" at conferences

Hey everyone,

I'm attending a conference after publishing my first eBook with a traditional publisher. Not sure what to bring to the signing table, but here's what I have so far:
  • postcards with my logline and book cover that I'll sign
  • a large poster board with my book cover and QR code
  • a bowl full of candy related to my book's theme
  • a basket for entries to win a grand prize of items related to my book's theme
Anyone else done this? Got any tips?

Thanks in advance,
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Hello, again

Since I've been MIA for about 5 years, I thought I'd introduce myself, again.
I live in New Orleans, Louisiana and have been writing off & on for 13 years, never published. Have manuscripts in paranormal, historical, and contemporary romance. Currently working on a NA contemporary sports romance and never been more inspired. Glad to be writing again and to be back at Savvy.
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Grief Writing

I don't remember which tortured soul said this, but someone told the world that artists create their best when they're in pain.​

This past week, I lost a dear pet water turtle who had been with me since she was a mere quarter-size hatchling in 1988. She went to college with me, stayed with me through a ridiculous marriage, moved across a country with me, and was that constant shelled companion through more than three decades of life.
There's a hole in my world now.
And I've been writing poetry like a FIEND since I discovered Tuesday morning that she'd passed during the night.
I'd rather not have this kind of motivation but I recognize what it is.
And I share this space with any other writers/poets who have experienced grief writing...:coffee:
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Hello all,

I just joined as a premium member and am looking forward to participating and learning. I am currently preparing a collection of historical stories for publication. I write historical and contemporary women's fiction and have also learned to design my own book covers with GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)). It's like Photoshop, but it's free.

I look forward to meeting and interacting with all of you!

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Crititque Partner Matching Program

On Monday, April 18, I paid $40 and upgraded my account so I could join the Partner Matching Program and get a Critique Partner. My account is now showing that I upgraded and have a premium account. I have tried to join the Partner Matching Program every day since then and keep getting the response that I'm not eligible because I need to upgrade my account. I DID upgrade my account. I have submitted the Contact Us Form asking for help in rectifying this and have gotten no response.

Does anyone have an suggestions or a solution for me? I'd really like to join the program and have a critique partner. That's the whole reason I upgraded my account.

Thank you so much for any help anyone might be able to give me.

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Hmm wondering if this bill may impact things like KDP

Not sure if anyone has seen this, but it could mean that some of the really horrible terms that we get from Amazon might get better.
It essentially prevents the big tech companies to use their specific information gleaned from owning the marketplace to preference their own offerings.
KDP seems pretty clearly to me to be one. Forcing you to not sell anywhere else if you participate in KDP.

Folks, this is one to keep an eyeball on!
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Planning New Premium Member event

Would you be interested in a Summer Writing Slackers Book Club?

  • You betcha! Sign me up!

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • It sound interesting but I need to know more (hint hint if you choose this, please reply to this...

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • It sounds good, but I just will not have the time what wiht the pooling, hiking and gardening...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yeah, no, this is just not for me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

Hi all
So, RJ, Dawn, Walker and I have been noodling on an event that would be fun and educational for the summer. We had been running bootcamps but those did not seem to do as well over the summer as our NaNovember and One Scene a Day camps. So we ditched them last year. But we have had a devil of a time trying to come up with another idea to keep us all writing over the summer when we'd rather be outside around the pool, on the hiking trails or working in the garden. So, we did come up with one idea that I would like to bounce off you.

The Summer Writing Slacker's Book club.
It works pretty much like a normal book club:
We choose craft or marketing, or any other kind of book that has to do with becoming a better writer and/or selling more books. We read it as a group and the admins and moderators would pose discussion questions each week or more so we can talk about what we think, how we could apply this, or anything else that strikes our fancy. We could do three books a summer: June, July, and August. We would nominate and vote on the books that we would read next.

Does this sound like something that you would like to participate in?
If so how would you like to see it run and what book would you like to read first?
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Tracy Koppel
Tracy Koppel
At this point in my writing career, I don't think I'd participate in it. Earlier in my career, I might very well have participated. This summer I'm going to be obligated to be doing a lot of editing of other people's short stories while also trying to finish the revisions of my WIP. For me, something that would be a fun way to reward my revision success would be nice.
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Question about the classes

I've been kicking around the idea of a premium membership, I'd have to drop something else so I need to know more.
First; I live in Hawaii which is 5-6 hours behind the east coast, depending on Daylight savings time. Some of the times listed for classes and workshops I might be interested in start at 4 in the morning for me. Even motivated, I am not really awake that early. Is there a lot of teacher/attendee interaction? I'd miss that if all I could do was watch a video.
Second question; Does premium membership mean free classes or would there be an extra charge above the monthly fee?
Thank you for helping.
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Pitch Results 2022 Sweetheart Pitchfest Results from Editors!

Thank you to everyone who participated in Pitchfest and a special thanks to our Agents and Editors!
Here are the results from the editors.

Thanks for participating and don't forget to sign up for Autumn Pitchfest!

Nikki Babri from Tule Publishing
Please check out Tule Publishing’s submissions page (Submissions) for information on how to submit, what to include, etc. Please include SAVVYAUTHORS PITCHFEST in the subject line

Tule would like to request these pitches to be submitted:
  • Holding Out for a Hero by Judy Malcolm
  • Christmas by Starlight by Amy Craig
  • Lies Unknown by Annemarie DeClark
  • Back to You by Dawn Chartier
  • Olympic Enemies by Rebecca J Caffery
  • Saachi on Purpose by Lena Shaw
  • City Slicker by Bev Irwin
Yelena Casale from City Owl Press

Please submit queries and the first 3 chapters to my email ycasale at cityowlpress dot com with
the Subject of SavvyAuthors Sweetheart PitchFest + name of manuscript

  • Between Heaven & Hell by Arielle Irvine
  • Harvest On the Bayou by Dawn Chartier
  • Silent Night by Sofia Aves
  • A MOTEL BY THE OCEAN by Susan Burdorf

Theresa Cole, Owl City Press

Please submit query, synopsis, and the first 10 pages to Query Submission

  • Of Sol and Shadow by Sevannah Storm
  • JINX: GAMES WITH DEMONS by Susan Burdorf
  • Imorata by Kathryn Faye
  • King of the Grim by Teresa Hsu
  • Splintered Moon, book 1, the Women of Wolf Mountain by Jane Handler
  • Howl by R.Tezak

Alexander Te Pohe, Entangled Publishing
Entangled Publishing Submission Manager.
Please send your:
  • Full and completed manuscript
  • Synopsis
  • Query
  • Bio
Please attention it to me and mention in your query letter that I requested your manuscript through this pitch event. If possible, please include any content warnings either at the start of your manuscript or in the query letter.

Also remember to take your time submitting. If you need to revise or edit your manuscript then definitely do so. I’ll be happy to see your work in a month or even a year. And if you have any questions, please let me know.
The manuscripts requested are:

  • In Flames by Nicole Bezanson writing as Nicole Northwood.
  • Patron of Lost and Broken Things by TR Rowe.
  • The World Between Us by Diane Farrugia.
  • Ethereal by Abigail Glenn.
  • Charmless by Samantha Cook.
  • When Oceans Rise by Robin Alvarez.
  • Those with Bones of Jade by Gracie Marsden.
  • Blood Magician by Monica DePaul.
  • The Banshee’s Kiss by AJ Clay.

Jen Bouvier, Entangled Publishing

  • Free Falling by Hadar Badt: Please submit via Submittable, selecting the Amara imprint, to my attention. Please also include a synopsis. Entangledpublishing.submittable.com
  • GALE by Adrianne Karasek: Please submit via Submittable, selecting the Entangled: Teen imprint, to my attention. Please also include a synopsis. Entangledpublishing.submittable.com
  • The Mess With The Dress by Erin Boehm: Please submit via Submittable, selecting the Amara imprint, to my attention. Please also include a synopsis. Entangledpublishing.submittable.com

Helen Yu, Yeehoo Press

Please submit it to [email protected] per the submissions guideline. Please put Pitchfest PB: [title] by [your name] in the email subject line.

  • CHOMP by Erin Siska
  • ERVIN´S SPEEDY INVENTION by Martina Palkovicova
  • ERASING SPACES by Rozana Rajkumari
  • Chasing the Sun by Jacqueline Johnson
  • Let Go Pinecone by Rachel Scott
  • LITTLE BLUE STAR by Sheza F. Atiq

Meg Gaertner, North Star Editions

Authors can send the full manuscript and query letter to mgaertner at northstareditions dot com
Emails should have the subject line "Sweetheart Pitchfest Submission: TITLE"

  • DEMONBINDER by Karen Todd (#14)
  • WHEN OCEANS RISE by Robin Alvarez (#33)
  • THE RUINS OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S by J. Myles Hesse (#44)
  • NARCISO GONZALEZ KNOWS MAGIC by Manuel Padilla Jr (#60)
  • RADIO SILENT by K. L. Kranes (#67)
  • DEAD GIRLS SUMMER by Ivy Ali Ch. (#88)
  • CATWALK by Donnalee Hutchinson (#106)

Josh Gregory, Albert Whitman & Co. –
Authors can send their submissions to [email protected], putting “Requested” in the subject line. For picture books, I would like to see a query letter and the full manuscript. For longer works, I’d like a query letter and the first three chapters.

  • Don't Be Quiet, by Molly Carter
  • Maxwell and the Halal Cart on 53rd and 6th, by Sheza F. Atiq
  • A Lassi with Love, by Madhuri Grewal
  • Bat Kid and Banana Slug, by Kimberly Christensen
  • Blown Away, by Juliana Savia Clayton

Nivair H. Gabrie, Albert Whitman & Co.
Authors can send their submissions to [email protected] , putting “Requested” in the subject line. For picture books, I would like to see a query letter and the full manuscript. For longer works, I’d like a query letter and the first three chapters.

  • #24: Soup Day!
  • #58: Elmina Loves Steel
  • #60: Mapping Shadows
  • #62: Time for Jummah
  • #65: I Quit Math
  • #77: Pool Party Treasure

Mary Cain, City Owl Press

Please send detailed blurb and full manuscript (as a document) to mcain at cityowlpress dot com

  • Fragments of a Life by Bonnie Jo
  • On Board with the Billionaire by Caenys Kerr
  • Journey Back to Love by Rebecca Moore
  • The Mess With The Dress by Erin Boehm
  • OFFLINE by Dana Hawkins
  • Harvest On the Bayou by Dawn Chartier
  • The Bar None Ranch: Book One by Carole Ann Moleti
  • ANNABEL IN OCEAN BEACH by Lori Beth Mahaney
  • HookedIn by Anastasia Alexander
  • Back to You by Dawn Chartier
  • Maplewood Resort by Keri Bednar
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Pitch Results 2022 Sweetheart Pitchfest Results from Agents!

Thank you to everyone who participated in Pitchfest and a special thanks to our Agents and Editors!
Here are the results from most of the agents. We are waiting for feedback from the Albert Whitman agents and will update this post as soon as we get that!

Thanks for participating and don't forget to sign up for Autumn Pitchfest!

Jacqueline Lipton, Raven Quill Literary Agency

Please send a query letter and a 20-30 page sample of the piece (break your submission wherever a chapter break naturally occurs) to Jacqui via Query Manager (Query Submission) and include “Savvy Authors Sweetheart Pitchfest 2022” in the “referred by” field.

  • KATIE KNIGHTLY (The Summer of Risks & Project Emma; send in two separate query forms)
  • KIM VAZQUEZ (Carabali and the Haunted Mountain)
  • ROBYN RYLE (Fair Game)
  • ELIZABETH SOULE (Homeschooled)
  • LORI MILLER KASE (The Accident)
  • KIM CRISCI (All the Time in the World)
  • CHARLOTTE HEBERT (Going Green in Hollywood)
  • AMANDA POLL (Stay and Watch Me Die)
  • KATIE BONO (Leading Off)
  • K.L. KRANES (Radio Silent)
  • LISA ROBERTS CARTER (If You Knew My Name)
  • KRISTINA CASTILLO (Detour To Paradise)
  • ROBIN TZUCKER (Two Truths and a Lie)
  • DARIA PIPKIN (The Influencer)

Hannah VanVels, Belcastro Agency

Please submit query, synopsis, and the first 10 pages to Hannah via QueryManager: QueryManager.com/HannahVanVels/SavvyAuthors

  • 365 Bad Dates and This is How You Lose Her by Ashley Bianco
  • Makinde’s Magical Drawings by Olumayowa Pamela Odunaiya
  • Lights, Camera, Attraction by Myah Genung
  • Roohi finds Her Rhythm by Sabrina Shah

Dawn Dowdle, Blue Ridge Literary Agency

Please go to www.blueridgeagency.com and click on Submissions. Then click on my name and the button to go to Query Manager. Please make sure to put Sweetheart Pitch for who referred you. I look forward to reading your story.
  • Mince and Tatties by Ashlee MacCallum
  • Red, White, and Bonnie by by Ashlee MacCallum
  • Mistaken by Sonja Hutchinson
  • City on the Lake by Ian Moore
  • “X” MARKS THE SPOT by Elizabeth James
  • Maxwell and the Halal Cart on 53rd and 6th by Sheza F. Atiq
  • FISH WITH A SIDE OF MURDER by Susan Burdorf
  • THE PLAY IS THE POISON by Susan Burdorf
  • Team Player by Alan H. Jordan
  • Go Granny Go! by Mary Munson

Jennifer Herrington, Harvey Klinger Literary Agency

Please submit query, synopsis, and the first three chapters for novels (or full manuscript for picture books or graphic novels) to Jenn via Query Manager: QueryManager.com/JenniferHerrington/SavvyAuthorsSweetheart22

  • 365 Bad Dates and This is How You Lose Her by Ashley Bianco
  • The Secret of Wychwood Forest by Alison Thayer
  • Invisible by Karen Bourgeois
  • The Brilliant Rapunzel by Karen Bourgeois
  • Lights, Camera, Attraction by Myah Genung
  • Blue Milk Mustaches by Marilyn DeVries
  • Chasing the Sun by Jacqueline Johnson
  • Diego and the Dancing Princes
  • Let Go Pinecone by Rachel Scott
  • Erasing Spaces by Rozana Rajkumari
  • Right Here by Molly Ippolito
  • Queen Bee by Funisa Engler
  • Doubt Our Stars Are Fire by Priya Ardis
  • Armed with a Paintbrush by Cassie Silva
  • Because Adeline Jumped by Julianna Helt
  • Disposable Souls by Leila Elhilal
  • He Called Night by Caroline Yu
  • Beneath the Waves, Death Speaks by Emma Deimling
  • Superhero Slumber Party by Malik Toppins
  • The Flavors of the Heart by Armineh Manookian
  • Operation GT by Lawan McFerren
  • If You Knew My Name by Lisa Roberts Carter
  • A Brew of Helleborus Tea by Elaine Buckner
  • This Isn’t Game Over by Elizabeth Evers
  • Library of Little Doves by Chloe Tardiff
  • Me and My Rebozo by Victoria Aranda

Analieze Cervantes, Harvey Klinger Literary Agency

Please submit their query, synopsis, and first 15 pages here: QueryManager.com/AnaliezeCervantes/SavyAuthorsPitch

  • THE A-LISTER by Megan Brown
  • TWIN ARROWS by Teresa Hsu
  • LET’S CALL A TRUCE by Amy Barber
  • THE GHOSTS OF HAWKTHORN by Stephanie Cotela
  • IF I WERE YOU by Julie L. Schwartz
  • TANGLED WEB by K.L. Kranes
  • THIS ISN’T GAME OVER by Elizabeth Evers

Amy Giuffrida, The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
I would love to see the query, synopsis, and first 3 chapters. If you think we'd be a good fit, please use this link to share with me: QueryManager.com/AmyGiuffrida/SavvyAuthors
  • Lights, Camera, Attraction by Myah Genung
  • Chase Shadow and the Secrets at Science Camp by Janelle Fila
  • Doubt Our Stars Are Fire by Priya Ardis
  • THE COLOR OF CHAOs by M.L. Marr
  • A Brew of Helleborus Tea by Elaine Buckner
  • Stamped for Death by Marin McGinnis w/a MK Knight
  • There’s No Way by Katy Jakes

Katie Salvo, Metamorphosis Literary Agency

Please submit your completed manuscript, a summary, and contact information with their email to ksalvo at metamorphosisliteraryagency dot com

  • CHALK FACES by Cary Guthrie
  • NO PIECE OF CAKE by Megan Clancy
  • MAPLEWOOD RESORT by Keri Bednar
  • SAY THE RIGHT THING by Genevieve Abravanel
  • PASTRY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS by Savanna Scales
  • PASSWORD by Ashley Clifton
  • TORCHED by DM Shepard
  • DINO BEACH by Rachel Scott
  • NO MORE MISS NICE GIRL by Elissa Hunter
  • THE GRAVEYARD KEEPER by Robin Jeffrey
  • UNEXPECTED by Denise Redman-Satterly
  • CRY BABY HOLLOW by Hallie Christensen
  • SUNSHINE CLUB by Rebecca Tallie
  • WHEN I'M 100 by Jennifer Matarese
  • THE HONESTY POLICY by Kristi McManus
  • CINDERELEMENT by Nadine Poper
  • OPERATION GT by Lawan McFerren
  • IF YOU KNEW MY NAME by Lisa Roberts Carter
  • CHASING HARTES by Amanda Chevret
  • BRIDESMAID TO BE? by Tracey Turner
  • PINECONE CHRISTMAS by Anne Lambert
  • THE GHOST OF YOU by CoeDee Shaner Burba

Carol Woien, Blue Ridge Literary Agency
Please send me the first three chapters, instructions here Carol Woien submission guidelines

  • Desire in Dairyland (3 book series) by Michelle Caffrey
  • Murder in Georgetown (1st in Academic Mom Mystery Series) by Jacqueline Corcoran
  • Unexpected by Denise Redman-Satterly
  • BEST LAID by Mary Rose Luksha
  • Doom & Bloom by Elizabeth Bates
  • The Cat That Played Chess by Stephanie Burnham
  • The Murderous Misses of Concord by Elizabeth Dunne

Heather Cashman, Storm Literary Agency
Please query me at QueryManager.com/HeatherCashman/SavvyAuthors2022 if you think we'd be a good fit. Please submit query, synopsis, and the first 30 pages.

  • Carabali and the Haunted Mountain by Kim Vazquez
  • The Light Thrower by Laurel Hill
  • Fort Conley and the Defense of the Huron Indian Cemetery by Mike Hays
  • The Beechwood Legacy by Ella Kay
  • The Blue Streak Virus by Malcolm McFarlane
  • Doubt Our Stars Are Fire by Priya Ardis
  • If the Stars Should Appear by Kim Crisci
  • Those with Bones of Jade by Gracie Marsden
  • Star People by James Berg
  • Narciso Gonzales Knows Magic by Manuel Padilla Jr.
  • Going Green in Hollywood by Charlotte Hebert
  • GRANNY HEIST by Virginia Brasch
  • Azure by Janet Wrenn
  • Free Falling by Hadar Badt
  • ESCAPE FROM RANCAGU by Terry D. Williams and David Oyanadel

Laura Stone, Blue Ridge Literary Agency

Please go to Blue Ridge Literary Agency and complete the submission process. This will include a query letter, a full synopsis (all major plot points and the full ending), and the first three chapters. Ensure your chapters are formatted with 12 point Times New Roman and are double spaced with indented paragraphs. Please state in the query letter that I requested the submission through the Savvy Authors Sweetheart Pitchfest.

  • Phoenix Ashes to Dust by Lafayette Villada
  • Undercity by Andria Henry
  • Pastry For Your Thoughts by S. Scales
  • Chase Shadow and the Secrets at Science Camp by Janelle Fila
  • Unexpected by Denise Redman-Satterly
  • RACE YOU TO THE STARS by Laurie Smith Murphy
  • The Irish Inheritance by Lora Lynn Fanning
  • The Boy From My Dreams by Haley Ollinger
  • LIES UNKNOWN by Annemarie DeClark
  • Jumping to Conclusions by Anne Howland
  • Harvest On the Bayou by Dawn Chartier
  • City on the Lake by Ian Moore
  • That Which is Lost by Alice Fitzpatrick
  • Narciso Gonzales Knows Magic by Manuel Padilla Jr.
  • Let’s Call a Truce by Amy Barber
  • THE MURAL MAKER by Shannon Cangey
  • AN ELEMENT OF SURVIVAL by Jennifer Walker
  • The Ghosts of Hawkthorn by Stephanie Cotela
  • Geek Mythology by E.M. Wright
  • Disposable Souls by Leila Elhilal
  • Arista Doyle And the Secret Of The Bees by Wendy Wilson
  • My New Zealand Valentine by Larae Fowler
  • Murder and the Divorce Lawyer: The Eye of the Tiger by Kim Whitmore
  • Hate the Stars by Jessie Gaupel
  • Clandestine Chaos by Janet Wrenn
  • The Soda Fountain Sister and the Flower Lady by Sheri Taylor-Emery
  • ANGRY LIKE A PIRATE by Bill Eisele
  • Always the Groom, Never the Bride by Florence Keeling
  • The Mummy's Missing Toe by Shelly Jasperson
  • Countenance of a Hero by B. M. Valdez
  • Compassion Fatigue by Viktoria Dahill
  • The History of Henry the Fifth Grader by Scott Rhoades
  • Secrets in the Water by Alice Fitzpatrick
  • IMAGE OF DECEIT by Julie Harper Pace
  • Premonition: The Gift by Elizabeth A. Pickart
  • Bridesmaid to Bride? by Tracey Turner
  • When the Money’s Gone by Wendy Cousins-Savage
  • The Neighbors’ Secret by Diana Sussman
  • The Stone of Love by Margaret Izard
  • The Rising by Kale Brunson
  • The Garden Defenders by Stephanie Kotara
  • Delve by Jon-Michael Rutter
  • Lumi and the Keiju by Starla Rajavuori
  • THE WORN BEAR by Bev Irwin
  • CITY SLICKER by Bev Irwin
Cindy Bullard, Birch Literary
The full manuscript from:
1. Michelle Caffrey - Desire in Dairyland
2. Anne Howland - Roundup
3. Anne Lambert - Tiny Treasure
4. Anne Lambert - Lucky Jumps
The first three chapters from:
1. Ashley Bianco - 365 Bad Dates and This is How You Lose Her
The first three chapters + query from:
1. Elizabeth Allison - Regan's After School Special
2. Karen Bourgeois - Unfinished Business
3. Karen Bourgeois - Beyond Locker 101
4. Amy Craig - Christmas by Starlight
5. Ash Clifton - Twice the Trouble
6. Rachel Corsini - Sushi and Sea Lions
7. Elizabeth Soule - Homeschooled
8. Karsyn Zetah - The Back-Up
9. Elissa Hunter - No More Miss Nice Girl
10. Lori Beth Mahaney - Annabel in Ocean Beach
11. Dawn Chartier - Harvest on the Bayou
12. Jessica Feinman - Certified Poolbitch: A College Story
13. Cheryl Wanner - See Me As I Am
14. Eliana Megerman - Not As We Seem
15. Erin Boehm - The Mess With The Dress
16. Amy Frost Davidson - Liza and the Giant
17. Sarah Curtis - The Stage
18. Mary Jo (MJ) Wilen - The Ancient Coin Mystery
19. Christina Frigo - The Whale of Loree Lake
20. Katie Eagan Schenck - The Winter Visitor
21. Manuel Padilla, Jr. - Narcisco Gonzales Knows Magic
22. Anna Albo - Kiss and Cry
23. Susan Burdorf - A Motel By the Ocean
24. K.L. Kranes - Tangled Web
25. Larae Fowler - My New Zealand Valentine
26. Stephanie Burnham - The Cat That Played Chess
27. Peter Barker - So Long Marianne
28. Florence Keeling - Always the Groom, Never the Bride
29. Shelly Hogan - When Things Go South
30. Anne Howland - Jumping to Conclusions
31. Christy Dirks - Off the Market
32. Anya Wyers - Romilegal: Downtown
33. Marin McGinnis - Stamped for Death
34. Bonnie Jo - Fragments of a Life
35. LyndaRees - Flip or Flop, Murder House
36. LyndaRees - Heart of the Matter
37. Judy Malcom - Holding Out for a Hero
38. Tracey Turner - Bridesmaid to Bride?
39. Ashley Detweiler - This Kind of Love
40. Bev Irwin - City Slicker
41. Corey M.P. - Amanda and Felipe
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Thanks to everyone who participated in Pitchfest!

Wow! This was our biggest pitchfest ever! Thank you for pitching and thanks to all the pub professionals for taking pitches!
We will be posting the full list of requests here on the main discussion feed within the next two weeks. The pub pros will also be reviewing pitches and may ask you questions over the next few days. I opened the pitch threads back up for comment so you can respond to any questions asked. HOWEVER, pitches are definitely closed and I will delete any pitches that are added after my post that announces that pitches are closed.

That's it!

Oh, and I will be opening up registration for next fall's Autumn Pitchfest tonight!
Good luck and thanks for all the pitches!
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Just posted the pitch pages for pitchfest!

How's THAT for alliteration.
Now you can see where you will be posting your amazing stories and books on Wednesday for Pitchfest
Each agent and editor has a dedicated post page and now you can see (and maybe bookmark?) your favorites.
To see them go to the Pitchfest Index for Agents or Editors and click the button at the bottom of the page that looks like this:
that will take you to the specific post where you will reply with your incredible pitch!
Good luck to everyone and let us know about all the requests!!!
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