• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Writing Software?

Do any of you use writing software?
What do you use?
What is the benefit?
I currently have note books and word documents that I need to get organized.
Thank you for your feedback!
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The free ones that I use:

The Paid ones that I upgraded too:

The paid versions literally changed my book for the better.
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Vanity Press?

So after 5 long years of querying, I finally got a full request on my novel.

I was over the moon. But the thing was, it wasn't from an agent; it was from a small press called Waldorf Publishing that I had queried on a whim thinking I wasn't going to make the cut. I had seen a post on Twitter that they were making decisions within a week and decided to take the plunge.
Twelve hours after sending them four chapters, I get a full request back.
Over the past four days, I've been in contact with the press and in particular a sales associate that has presented something even stranger. They're charging to publish the book. An "investment," as she says, in order to get a higher royalty rate. I have never heard of this; I have never heard of a traditional publisher charging anyone anything. And that's what she claims Waldorf is.

I've looked up Waldorf online, there was a post on a different forum that claimed they were okay. But I'm not sure. Their covers aren't great.
This offer has already cost me a potential agent from the pitchfest here earlier and another has warned me against them as I've tried to report it.

Does anyone have any opinion as to what I should do?
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Well, hello!

Just joined and exploring the site. I'm a US-Maryland writer of paranormal and contemporary romance. I'm also working on a Sci-fi suspense. I just completed my first novel and am working on the second in the duology, however, I have a nine book series in progress with four first draft novels and two first draft companion novellas. I like chaos quite a bit :LOL:
I'm also a photographer and a stay at home mom to two lovable gremlins. I love summer and coffee, dogs, boots, quirky mugs, people and every experience this world has to offer.

Glad to be here!
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Hello, new here!

Hello all, I'm Marie (or T, or TM or Spark, which ever is most convenient for you), I'm a beginning author in the sense that I have yet to submit a manuscript to an agent or publisher, but I have been submitting to literary magazines and have had some of my poetry published in the past. Currently, I'm finishing my final semester of university for an English major and creative writing minor while I finish editing paranormal YA, Saving Grace. I am hoping to start querying it to potential agents in the next few months, as I am researching the discourse surrounding "own voices" as a part of my capstone course (this may or may not be the greatest choice I have ever made, but I think throwing myself out there is the best place to start, haha).

Outside of being a writer and student, I live in a small town in North Dakota with my cat, Ambrosia, and I love to watch Marvel movies and television shows in my free time. I am a die-hard Daredevil fan and I am anxiously awaiting season three to drop on Netflix later this year. I am excited to have found Savvy Authors through the writing community on twitter, where I am also active from time to time when I am not burying my head in the books as exams approach.

Thank you all for having me here. I'm excited to get to know all of you!

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Hello world

Hi everyone, I’m Juliette. After dozens of betas and a professional editor, I finally think my first book is ready.

I wrote a multi-perspective Historical Fiction based on my own family tree from the 16th century.

There aren’t any writers clubs near where I live in Virginia, so I’m on my own. Hopefully now that I’m here, I won’t be so alone.

Looking for advice on how to effectively use Twitter for pitch parties, etc.
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YA Author new to Savvy

Hey, guys! I'm Morgan. I write YA scifi/fantasy. I just submitted draft 9 of my first MS (YA dystopian scifi) to PitchWars and started a new WIP (YA fantasy) a few weeks ago. I joined SavvyAuthors to learn more about craft, marketing, and promotion and to network with fellow YA authors. Pleasure to "meet" you all!
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Newbie wants to say hello

Hey everyone! My name is Valerie Bragg, and I'm looking forward to getting around this site.

I write adventure scifi and romanctic scifi, planning two separate series on opposite ends of the same universe. I have finished my first manuscript and currently seeking an affordable editor (haven't published it yet) for last minute edits, since it has been through about 4 rounds of edits so far. I am hoping to get it published in late fall, once I have the first draft of book 2 completed as well.

Being a part of the community in self-publishing is really important to me, so I'm looking forward to getting to know people here!
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Brand new!

Hey! I just heard about SavvyAuthors from my writing buddy... this looks great! She recommended it particularly because I"m going to be looking for small presses to submit to, and eventually marketing services, if I wind up going that route. I'm still querying agents, but also looking ahead to the future for my options if that never pans out. I write contemporary and paranormal romance and have 5 finished manuscripts, and am currently working on a 15th Century paranormal romance trilogy (it did NOT start out as a trilogy! that just kinda sorta.... happened??? LOL).

So, since I'm not sure what else to say I'll end this here rather than start babbling pointlessly :)

P.S. I'm also a HUGE fan of NaNoWriMo and I'm starting to think of prep already!
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Welcome Allie!
I's really hard to believe that we are already all talking about NaNo! Wow has this year flown by. :)
You are joining Savvy at exactly the right moment. In a few weeks we are having SavvyWritercon, our online free conference and you can take classes and attend webinars and just hang out and see what is going on! We're also doing a Pitchfest if you want to drop your query in. We have pretty good results from those.


Wow..Nano....and we also just posted a blog this week about that so we MUST be getting close. Also @RJ Garside is planning . pre-nano plotting event this year. She does not have it listed yet, but I bet she'll get that posted in the next week or so. Def a lot going on this fall!

Have fun!
P.S. and Lyn is just the best :)
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Aspiring Author new to Savvy

Hi there My name's Tremaine (Tre if you're a minimalist) I'm 23 and I live in California. Creating stories has always been something that came easily to me and not too long I decided that it's what i want to do my whole life. I've written the first of many books I have planned but now I'm stuck as to what to do next:(. I'm hoping to be hear make new connections read some great stories and have some people read mine. Thanks for having me!
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On Line Writing Partner

My name is Lillian. I am working on a novel. I am one of those weird writers that needs to hear others typing to write. I usually go to local library to write. However, I have tried Face Time with writers and it works well. I do not need a critique parter as much as I need someone to commit to a hour or more daily to write. Not much talking just writing. Keeps me motivated. I did it for a year and it worked but my writing partner went on to graduate school and is no longer available. I live in Pacific Standard Time.
Anyone interested please private email at : [email protected]

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New member, short-form fiction writer. Looking for my tribe?

Greetings all!

I'm Anjela. I'm an avid short-form fiction writer (micro/flash/short). I've recently registered for a class here but would love to connect with other writers who share a passion for short-form fiction. Are there any micro/flash fiction threads or writers here?
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critique partners

Anyone know where the thread about finding a critique partner is located? Or how Savvy Authors matches you with one? In my profile I clicked that I was interested in locating a CP and the genres I write but I can't find anything on the site about matching myself with a compatible CP. Any and all help would be appreciated.

Hi Carla
Welcome to Savvy!

We offer two events each year at Savvy to help match with Crit partners. Sadly the last one for 2018 is just finishing up. It's a matching service modeled on Speed Dating. LOL.

I am thinking of offering a smaller version of it during our conference. I will noodle on that this weekend and post here what I decide to do.

You can also request to join one of the existing SIGs, that is a good place to find a CP, or you can start one of your own if there is not one that fits.

Let me know if you have any questions.
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New member

Hi guys
This is Sarfraz ...
Looking forward to become a better writer.
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Welcome, Sarfraz!
There's lots of great information here and the best writers.

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Hi @saf or Sarfraz!
I am late to the welcome party. Not sure how I missed your post. But know that you are welcome! I can echo using Becky Martinez as a mentor guide to writing, period. Some of my best education came from the Six classes that Becky gave on Writing 101. I STILL use her characterization questions for my story bibles. I use the 40 plus questionnaire to give me a full accounting of my character. And even in a short story, it enhances the nuances of word choice to have fully developed a character in your head or on your notes. :D
While I am an avid Becky fan, I have been with Savvy since 2009--the first year I wrote something fictional. Most of what I have learned came from here. I was picked up for the lead short story in an Anthology ....because of what I learned here. Savvy has MANY WONDERFUL instructors. In the last 9 years, there was only ONE class that I ever felt could have given me more. I couldn't say that about my university days! LOL
And if you ask, some may be willing to mentor you privately for a fee. Their personal websites will often explain further.
Do jump in and join the upcoming Writer Conference online. Free for premium members and full of opportunities to interact with instructors and participants, so you can really get a sense of what is available.
I consider this the best value for the money!
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