Plot A Romance In Two Weeks with Landra Graf

Genre-Romance Plot A Romance In Two Weeks with Landra Graf

If I could give TEN STARS, I would.

I've enjoyed the classes at Savvy Authors, but this one was by far the best. The resource book we used ROMANCING THE BEAT was terrific, and Landra did an amazing job of breaking down the beats with us and helping us hit them along the way as we outlined our story idea. Her insight and feedback were invaluable. I would absolutely take this course again and actually plan to if Landra teaches it again so that I can outline my next romance (I might do another romcom or might try a different subgenre of romance). I believe repeating this course multiple times, until I get the hang of writing in this genre (or if I simply want/need feedback), would be extremely beneficial to me as a writer.

[Savvy Authors, please consider offering this class again and others like it in other genres! Regarding this course: If Savvy Authors could offer this particular course in multiple formats - the two-week version and also a longer, month-long version - that would be even better, because there are benefits to both. The two-week version really pushed me to go hard from the start, but I would love a month-long version where we had more time with the goal of finishing a more detailed outline OR perhaps even a NANO-style rough draft. I found that I need more time to flesh out one of my acts before I could move on to the next, and a month-long course would be perfect for writers who might experience something similar. Overall, if Savvy Authors offered this class in multiple formats, I would take it again in the short format (to plot out a different romance story) and would LOVE to take it in the longer format, too.]
Class was good and the instructor’s feedback was very helpful and insightful.
This class was fantastic for getting my story outlined. The feedback was thoughtful and very helpful. Highly recommend!
Landra did a great job presenting this information and gave wonderful feedback! A super useful class!
The structure of the class made sense and was easy to follow. The lessons were informative and specific but not too dense. Now I have something tangible to write a new book from, with great feedback! Landra was responsive and thoughtful with her answers.
The structure of the workshop was excellent and so were Landra's helpful comments and guidance. It certainly helped me develop and shape my WIP.

My only critique is similar to the one I had when I took another workshop of SavvyAuthor - there is no sense of community. Perhaps it's the cumbersome way the comments and threads work- but there are hardly any multi-participant discussion or critique of one's work. Nor is it encouraged or expected.
This class breaks down conflict into manageable pieces. The assignments helped me get insight into the conflict of the various characters in my story. The feedback I received was very helpful. Landra is a great instructor.
Well done, Landra! This class was very informative. Landra did a great job explaining a difficult but crucial topic. I thought the breakdown of conflict into 5 "w's" to be very easy to swallow. Her homework and discussion topics were thought provoking and easily translated into my WIP. Thanks so much!
I thank Landra for all the hard work she put into organizing this class, it was much appreciated,
I highly recommend this course.

This is my second time taking this course because I loved it so much the first time around and I found Landra's comments to be very helpful (both times).

It is fast paced, but I enjoyed that since I'm trying to learn to plot faster and more on point (not wasting two months plotting only to change my mind later like I used to, hehe.)
I didn't get to participate due to other commitments, but I've since gone through the assignments and it is great information.
Really enjoyed your class. Landra Graf showed me again why it's so important to read when you write. She also gave me good ideas as to how to improve my writing by analyzing books that I've enjoyed reading and still think of them with fondness. Looking for hooks, humor, fear, tears, etc. helped me to more accurately pinpoint WHY I like a book - or a movie, for that matter. Thank you very much.
Landra Graf's Mini Intensive presentation, Reading Like a Writer, has provided me with ways to analysis the books I love and ones in the genre I write in. With her guidelines, I can now compare my WIP to see if I am hitting the marks I want to incorporate.
This class was excellent. I've had other plotting classes elsewhere and none were as concise, step-by step and all encompassing as this one. Now, I can see the error in my ways in draft manuscripts and works in progress. The power point lessons and worksheets were useful and a great reference tool I will continue to use. The instructor feedback was very helpful to strengthen my WIP. I highly recommend this course and instructor.
I like the format that Landra Graf presented the information and it was helpful and easy to follow. Great class!
This class has a quick pace since we're trying to plot a book in two weeks. Landra Graf was very responsive during the course and provided great feedback. I thought the lecture material was presented in a way that was easy to understand and follow. She also provided examples for us to refer to as we worked on our assignments. She set up deadlines for assignments to keep us from falling behind during the course which I found useful. I had some things come up and wasn't able to submit all my assignments on time. I appreciate Landra being understanding and providing feedback on the late assignments. This was a great class.
Landra's class was not only full of great information (we are talking beautiful workbooks) but Landra gave great feedback and was opened to questions. I am truly hoping she gives more classes so I can take them.

If you are a beginner or just need some extra help give yourself the gift of taking a class with Landra!
I am not a plotter, but a discovery writer. I took the class to better organize myself and streamline the writing process. This class did a great job of providing a framework that works well for plotting and pantsing. The feedback was fast, specific, and very helpful. Awesome class!