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Our First Annual Romance ONLY Flash Fiction contest!
We'll provide the prompt and you provide the HEA in 1000 words or less!
Write your best romance in a Flash Fiction format.
Not sure what this is? Check out the Fortnight Flash Fiction information page and the FAQ.
No time? TLDR;
We'll provide the prompt and you provide the HEA in 1000 words or less!
Write your best romance in a Flash Fiction format.
Not sure what this is? Check out the Fortnight Flash Fiction information page and the FAQ.
No time? TLDR;
- Two week contest, one for writing and one for voting
- Works over 1,000 words will be disqualified
- Open to all members of SavvyAuthors
- Voting limited to members of SavvyAuthors
- Class Format
- See our How This Works information or read the FAQ