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Would you be interested in a Summer Writing Slackers Book Club?

  • You betcha! Sign me up!

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • It sound interesting but I need to know more (hint hint if you choose this, please reply to this...

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • It sounds good, but I just will not have the time what wiht the pooling, hiking and gardening...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yeah, no, this is just not for me.

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Premium Member
Jun 26, 2014
Northwest Illinois
Hi all
So, RJ, Dawn, Walker and I have been noodling on an event that would be fun and educational for the summer. We had been running bootcamps but those did not seem to do as well over the summer as our NaNovember and One Scene a Day camps. So we ditched them last year. But we have had a devil of a time trying to come up with another idea to keep us all writing over the summer when we'd rather be outside around the pool, on the hiking trails or working in the garden. So, we did come up with one idea that I would like to bounce off you.

The Summer Writing Slacker's Book club.
It works pretty much like a normal book club:
We choose craft or marketing, or any other kind of book that has to do with becoming a better writer and/or selling more books. We read it as a group and the admins and moderators would pose discussion questions each week or more so we can talk about what we think, how we could apply this, or anything else that strikes our fancy. We could do three books a summer: June, July, and August. We would nominate and vote on the books that we would read next.

Does this sound like something that you would like to participate in?
If so how would you like to see it run and what book would you like to read first?
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Tracy Koppel
Tracy Koppel
At this point in my writing career, I don't think I'd participate in it. Earlier in my career, I might very well have participated. This summer I'm going to be obligated to be doing a lot of editing of other people's short stories while also trying to finish the revisions of my WIP. For me, something that would be a fun way to reward my revision success would be nice.
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All right you guys...all 5 of you! LOL
We're doing this. Sign up and start thinking about the books you would like to dissect while wearing flip-flops and drinking cold beverages.
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Hi Leslie, Dawn, RJ, all,
Has anyone read Story Genius by Lisa Cron? I read about 35% then life got in the way of finishing it, but the part I did read was truly eye-opening. The book takes you step by step from the first glimmer of an idea onward. It gets deep into your characters logic, etc. Just a suggestion. It’s about 200 pages.

Dawn Chartier
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I'd love to offer my workshop for the summer session! A two-hour (or more, depending) exploration about revealing character through dialogue. This is totally interactive, fun, with a chance to do some writing and sharing. Happy to offer this for free.
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I'd love to offer my workshop for the summer session! A two-hour (or more, depending) exploration about revealing character through dialogue. This is totally interactive, fun, with a chance to do some writing and sharing. Happy to offer this for free.
That sounds great! We have a form to submit workshop proposals and a page with the details:
Looking forward to reading more about it!
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All right you guys...all 5 of you! LOL
We're doing this. Sign up and start thinking about the books you would like to dissect while wearing flip-flops and drinking cold beverages.
Does it have to be a nonfiction book? :) I'm all about books about writing, but in the summer I really like to relax with my reading and I'm all about books about books, or books about authors. :)
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All right you guys...all 5 of you! LOL
We're doing this. Sign up and start thinking about the books you would like to dissect while wearing flip-flops and drinking cold beverages.
I have this lovely book sitting on my bookshelf but have never read it. I also have Intuitive Editing by Tiffany Yates Martin waiting to be read. I picked this up to help me with my editing quagmire but I haven;t read it and continue to dither over my WIP.
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I have this lovely book sitting on my bookshelf but have never read it. I also have Intuitive Editing by Tiffany Yates Martin waiting to be read. I picked this up to help me with my editing quagmire but I haven;t read it and continue to dither over my WIP.
That does sound interesting! I added it to our list of books to consider:

If you have the informatin for the other one, you can add that as well.
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Does it have to be a nonfiction book? :) I'm all about books about writing, but in the summer I really like to relax with my reading and I'm all about books about books, or books about authors. :)
Hi Nicole
I'm game for whatever you guys want to read! Just suggest one by adding it to this list:
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