• Hi all! This is Mike Creuzer. I am currently working on a proper announcement, but wanted to make sure there was a notice posted that we are turning the ship around! Stay tuned!
  • What Classes Are You Interested In Seeing?

    We're looking at getting classes started up again and we wanted to get your thoughts on classes you'd like to see. Please let us know in the survey below

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Manuscript Formatting Reedsy

I found a copyeditor from there and am presently using their Reedsy Editor Formatting platform. With the latter, you can download your work to a PDF if needed, already formatted for book form. Downside: it's exclusively in TNR 12pt font with zero ways to change it without screwing up the entire format, and they're still rolling out additional features - they just put in the tab for chapter scene breaks only this past spring (2018), and it does have more a feel for nonfiction than fiction. But if you're short on funds or just starting out and want a rough idea of how your book will look in ebook or hard copy form - and want free ARCs to give to beta readers, family & friends - this is an excellent platform to do this with.