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    Announcement Reminder! CritPartner Match starts up again this MONDAY (May 2)

    Be sure to opt-in and check your preferences And by all means don't forget to SAVE!! Not sure if this is for you? Check out the FAQ and our new Information pages! Still have questions? Contact us!
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    Lecture Lecture 6: Critting dialog

    Keep'em talking Dialogue is a crucial element of genre fiction. Literary fiction may have pages of narration with little or no dialogue, but genre fiction moves faster. Dialogue helps give the feeling that something is happening and pages are turning quickly. One reason for that may be that a...
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    Lecture Lecture 5: Openings! They call it a HOOK for a reason

    Let's think about what makes a great opening and how we, as critters can make our partner's opening strong. Since we are not actually critiquing anything, pick up the book that you are reading right now and pretend you are critting this author. Start by putting on your reader hat. How does the...
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    Lecture Lecture 4: Voice, Style, and Tone

    Fiction writing is an art. When we read a book we decide whether it is good or not based on our own subjective taste. Your critiques are going to reflect that subjectivity and good critique partners should go in with the understanding that every comment made is just one person's opinion. But...
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    Lecture Lecture 3: The Completely Optional Critting Checklist

    This purely a YMMV kind of thing. If you LOVE checklists then this may work for you, if not then no worries! The Completely Optional Critting Checklist Did I mention this is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL....? So, we offer this critting checklist as something that might help you in your critting. Some...
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    Lecture Lecture 2: Critiquing vs Editing

    We are all writers at various stages of development. I know I'm still learning and I expect you are too. What do writers do? We draft. I like to think of this as vomiting onto the page (yeah, I know that's gross). I have all these ideas, words, emotions, characters spinning around in my head...
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    Lecture Lecture 1: What makes a good critque?

    How many of you have stared at the email from your favorite crit partner and friend that contains your critted manuscript with absolute dread? The only thing I know that comes close is the shot of fear when I see the letter from the IRS in my mailbox. I adore my crit partner. She is a dear...
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    Writing Life SavvyWriterCon CritPartner Match

    Finding a good crit partner who will follow you through all the books in your series is a tough one. They don’t get paid. They just hope you’ll do the same for them–and that’s what SavvyAuthors is all about. Writers helping writers. So, with that in mind, let us help you find your forever crit...
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    Crit Group SavvyAuthors' IndieCafe Crit Matching Program

    Finding a good crit partner who will follow you through all the books in your series is a tough one. They don't get paid. They just hope you'll do the same for them--and that's what SavvyAuthors is all about. Writers helping writers. So, with that in mind, let us help you find your forever crit...