
  1. Magic, Mystery and Mirth

    Magic, Mystery and Mirth

    A collection of fanciful short stories
  2. Lori Devoti

    Plot-Structure-GMC Plotting and Planning: How to Write Your Cozy Mystery with Lori Devoti

    Love cozy mysteries and dying to write your own, but don’t know where to start? In this eight-week course, Lori Devoti (aka Rae Davies) USA Today Bestselling author of the Dusty Deals Mystery Series, will walk you through everything you need to know to plan and write and a successful cozy...

    Genre-Mystery-Crime How to Craft Your Mystery Short Story with Steve Shrott

    Learn the three parts of a mystery and where to include what and when. Steve will show you how to outline and use free writing techniques to craft a winning mystery short. What makes a good mystery, and how to be an idea machine. How to craft openings that hook your reader, and twist endings...
  4. Traci Andrighetti

    Master the Mystery Novel! with USA TODAY Bestselling Author Traci Andrighetti

    Want to add mystery to your life? Then write one! USA TODAY Bestselling Author Traci Andrighetti is on the case to help you investigate how whodunits are done. In her three-month mentoring course, you will develop your plot and cast of characters, outline your manuscript, and write the first...