speed dating for critiques

  1. Angela Knight

    Pacing-Tension Action Sequences: Writing Heart-Pounding Fight Scenes, Chases and Climaxes with Angela Knight

    A crucial ingredient of great romantic suspense and adventure is the fight scene. Yet many writers have a difficult time pulling off believable fights and climaxes that deliver on reader expectations. New York Times bestselling author Angela Knight discusses the techniques she uses to create...
  2. Leslie

    Writing Life Speed Dating for Crit Partners: Winter 2019 Edition

    Last year we stumbled over a great new way to find critique partners. The response was so positive we are running this again! Finding a critique partner can be one of the most difficult parts of writing, but having a crit partner that understands your work - and you - can make the difference...
  3. Leslie

    Writing Life Mini Speed Dating for Crit Partners!

    Finding a critique partner can be one of the most difficult parts of writing but having a critique partner that understands your work and you can make the difference between writing success and limping along. We have tried all the different ways to find crit partners and found each of them just...