Action Sequences: Writing Heart-Pounding Fight Scenes, Chases and Climaxes with Angela Knight

Pacing-Tension Action Sequences: Writing Heart-Pounding Fight Scenes, Chases and Climaxes with Angela Knight

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  1. Characters
  2. Description/Setting
  3. Structure
  4. POV
  5. Worldbuilding
$5 off Early Registration Coupon-expires 1 week before class starts
A crucial ingredient of great romantic suspense and adventure is the fight scene. Yet many writers have a difficult time pulling off believable fights and climaxes that deliver on reader expectations. New York Times bestselling author Angela Knight discusses the techniques she uses to create heart-pounding action sequences. She discusses how to create heroes and villains who are a good match for each other, how to choreograph fight scenes, and how to build a plotline that rises to a climax that makes readers eager for your next book.

Honor Roll member and New York Times bestselling author Angela Knight discusses the techniques she uses to write effective fight scenes. She provides tips on how to create fights that flow logically in a way readers can visualize without confusion. She reveals how to create a climactic fight that resolves not only the book’s external conflict, but the heroic couples’ internal and romantic conflicts as well. Knight also discusses using the five senses in fights, as well as how to use sentence length and rhythm to create a sense of urgency and threat.

Angela will also do off-list critiques of scenes on Tuesdays and Thursdays off-list for students, so you can get private feedback on your fight scenes if you need it.
Angela Knight
Start date
Aug 5, 2019 at 9:00 AM
End date
Sep 1, 2019 at 1:00 AM
Registration end date
Aug 7, 2019 at 1:00 AM
4.93 star(s) 105 ratings

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Lots of good information and great instructor. Angela was available for feedback and follow-up above and beyond the curriculum which was really helpful.
Angela Knight provides depth to her lessons, and presents detailed examples. She delivers on showing how to achieve action sequences by sharing her writing style secrets and explaining the critical elements.