terri main

  1. terrimain

    Craft Making The Scene with Terri Main

    Scenes are the fundamental components of a story, and as a fiction writer, mastering the art of scene creation is crucial. In this course, you will learn about the different types of scenes, their functions, and how to structure them effectively to engage your readers. You will also discover...
  2. terrimain

    Business Fire Your Cover Designer with Terri Main

    As an indie writer, you're responsible for every aspect of publishing your book, including cover design. Outsourcing can be costly and limit creative control. In this workshop, we'll teach you how to take charge of your book cover with simple, free online tools. No graphic design classes needed...
  3. terrimain

    Business Ridiculously Simple Self-Publishing Series with Terri Main

    Workshop #1: February 27 - March 12, 2023 You can spend anywhere from $100 to $1000 just having your book formatted for upload to Kindle. What these “professionals” won’t tell you is that you can do this yourself for free in about 15-30 minutes. For eBooks, all you need is a simple docx file...
  4. terrimain

    Business Professional Cover Design for Writers with Terri Main

    Back in the day, when books were sold primarily through bookstores, most people saw only the spine of the book until they took it off the shelf. A fortunate few got their books featured “face out in shelves at the end of the aisles or on book tables. Today, with online book sales being the...
  5. terrimain

    Business Create eBooks, paperback, hardbound books for Kindle with Terri Main

    You can spend anywhere from $100 to $1000 just having your book formatted for upload to Kindle. What these “professionals” won’t tell you is that you can do this yourself for free in about 15-30 minutes. For eBooks, all you need is a simple docx file with a few easy to add modifications. For...
  6. terrimain

    Business Facebook for Writers in 2023 with Terri Main

    The social media world is constantly changing. A few years ago, it was mostly Facebook and Twitter. Today, we have Instagram, TikTok, What’s App, Telegram, Linked In, Reddit, Tumblr, and more. The uncertainty about the future of Twitter, the growth of new social media platforms, and concerns...
  7. terrimain

    Business Funnel Marketing for Writers with Terri Main

    As much as we hate it, writers are in the business of marketing their books and services. Too often we have a simplistic view of marketing as simply putting out a message and then waiting for the orders to roll in. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t. However, the individual sale is less...
  8. terrimain

    Business Creative Marketing for Writers with Terri Main

    Writers consider themselves creatives. This is true, but in today's world the writer must also be a marketer. It can be hard to make that transition. They seem to be at the opposite ends of the creativity spectrum. However, writing novels, magazine articles, or nonfiction books requires many of...
  9. terrimain

    Craft Tools Using Kindle Create to publish both print and Ebooks with Terri Main

    Indie Authors and Small Publishers this course can save you thousands of dollars! You can spend between $50 - $500 hiring someone to do what you can do for free in twenty minutes or less. And that's just e-book conversions. Print is even more expensive. At the very least, you will spend...
  10. terrimain

    Writing Life Reality Based Planning - Going Beyond Writing Goals to Writing Plans for 2021 with Terri Main

    It's that time again. We are just a few weeks from the year 2021. At this point, many writers are looking back at the previous year and asking themselves "Why did I fail to complete all those things I planned to complete this year?" In all probability, you looked at writing as something that is...
  11. terrimain

    Craft Understanding Story Structure and Plot with Terri Main

    When we come to discussing plot, most of the time the discussion veers into a question about how to go about plotting. We have wagon wheels, heroes on journeys, snowflakes growing in a fractal universe and all sorts of other techniques. Often, it is a debate between planning approaches. Do you...
  12. terrimain

    Craft Become your own Plot Doctor with Terri Main

    Once you have written your first draft, you know you are not done. You understand that you need to fix everything from plot holes to punctuation. The starting point is Macro-Editing - Editing the Big Picture. Many spend $1000s on Book Doctors, Finishers, and Developmental Editors to do this work...
  13. terrimain

    Craft Developing a Premise and a Story Arc with Terri Main

    We combine Premise and Story Arc into the first course. The premise forms the foundation and a way to test the story idea which leads to creating a story arc. Here's the description of the course: You have an idea for a novel, but it takes more than a vague idea to have a viable story premise...
  14. terrimain

    Craft Novel Writing Series with Terri Main

    It’s 2020. Can you believe that? Well, maybe you can, but for some of us that’s the future we read about in dime novels that actually were sold for a dime. Those novels created the future we expected to see. Now, it’s your turn to step up and write the novel that shapes someone’s world. Whether...
  15. terrimain

    Craft EZ Peasy Manuscript Formatting for Kindle Ebook and Print Publishing with Terri Main

    Digital publishing of ebooks and print-on-demand paperbacks has revolutionized publishing. Individuals and small publishers can now publish directly to the reader through online bookstores. The primary force behind this has been Amazon and its Kindle Direct Publishing. Today, publishing a book...
  16. terrimain

    Craft Write and Publish a Short Nonfiction Book in 30 Days or Less with Terri Main

    If you think a nonfiction book has to be 300 pages long and researched over years, you have missed the quiet revolution in publishing. Many authors are creating and publishing short nonfiction books every month. I’ve actually done it in a week as a challenge. In this course you will learn how...
  17. terrimain

    Craft Back to Basics: Basic Parts of Speech and How to Use them with Terri Main

    How long has it been since your high school English class? Five years? Ten? Twenty? It depresses you to think about? However long it has been, you have probably forgotten much of what you learned (at least learned well enough to pass the course.) This is no disgrace. The same could be said of...
  18. terrimain

    Craft Back to Basics: Basic Parts of Speech and How to Use Them with Terri Main

    How long has it been since your high school English class? Five years? Ten? Twenty? It depresses you to think about? However long it has been, you have probably forgotten much of what you learned (at least learned well enough to pass the course.) This is no disgrace. The same could be said of...
  19. terrimain

    Writing Life The No-Excuse Zone: Reality-Based Planning with Terri Main

    If there is one thing writers bemoan, it's a lack of time. Of course, there is no such thing as a "lack of time." Everyone has the same amount. It's how we manage that time which makes the difference. It is easy to say, "If it really matters, you will find the time." However, most of us have...
  20. terrimain

    Business Writing to Teach: How-to’s, Courses, and Instructional Video Scripts with Terri Main

    This is known as the information age. Lifelong learning whether in a formal context like a course or training seminar or informally through reading how-to books and watching videos, is now the norm. A Pew Internet survey found that 74% of American adults had participated in at least one formal...