
  1. mjlyonswrites

    Happy New Year, and hello!

    Hi everyone! I'm MJ, writer and game dev from Toronto. Found the site through the Twitter Pitch Party calendar, and always excited to connect with other writers! In terms of where I'm at with some semblance of a writing career, I'm currently querying agents with a new queer YA romance I...
  2. Sunny Irene Roth

    Writing Life How a Busy Person Can Follow Through and Become a Successful Writer in 2023 with Irene Roth

    Do you feel you are spinning your wheels, getting nowhere in your writing career? Would you like to be more successful and more efficient in your writing career in 2023? Would you like to become prolific, overcome procrastination, perfectionism and writing block? If you answered any of these...
  3. TashaHutchison

    Writing tools

    If you would like an easy and quick way to create your story, Wordy Writer Organizers are a great way to do so. You’ll know for sure if your story idea is strong enough to get to your resolution aka THE END. If you want to know more, sign up for our free class here on Savvy Authors!
  4. Sunny Irene Roth

    Writing Life The Importance of Writing Consistently for Optimal Success with Irene S. Roth

    Writing is hard work. It requires consistency and efficiency to be most successful. But how can writers achieve this if they are tired and worn out a lot of the time? To be sure, writers, whether they work full-time or part-time, have a limited amount of time and energy. Writing doesn’t come...
  5. Courtney Larsen

    New to the awesome that is Savvyauthors!

    Hello all, I joined Savvyauthors this last week and am ready to dive into the plethora of knowledge! My name is Courtney and I write Adult Contemporary Fantasy novels. I look forward to meeting everyone and making great friends along the way to becoming a Savvy Author! Lol!