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Oct 25, 2022
New Jersey
Hey! Nice to meet you all. I'm Jillian and I write Science Fiction and Fantasy, as well as write and illustrate picture books. I'm currently querying in hopes of finding an agent. I'm a bit shy when it comes to interacting online, so I've actually never participated in any pitch events or writing clubs, etc. before! But I'm trying to break out of being a habitual lurker and interact more with the writing community.
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Hey! Nice to meet you all. I'm Jillian and I write Science Fiction and Fantasy, as well as write and illustrate picture books. I'm currently querying in hopes of finding an agent. I'm a bit shy when it comes to interacting online, so I've actually never participated in any pitch events or writing clubs, etc. before! But I'm trying to break out of being a habitual lurker and interact more with the writing community.
Hi Jillian and welcome!
We love lurkers, we have more than a few around here. Hopefully the pitchfest is easy for you to navigate. Definitely let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
Happy Pitching
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Hey! Nice to meet you all. I'm Jillian and I write Science Fiction and Fantasy, as well as write and illustrate picture books. I'm currently querying in hopes of finding an agent. I'm a bit shy when it comes to interacting online, so I've actually never participated in any pitch events or writing clubs, etc. before! But I'm trying to break out of being a habitual lurker and interact more with the writing community.
HI there! This is only my second ever attempt at pitching, so I hear you! I am also trying to be an ex-lurker... :)
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It's really difficult to break the habit but I'm going to try!
You can do it, @jjkaczak! We are a REALLY nice group. And I think many authors are introverts. I know I am so you are in good company. :)
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Hi Everyone, I love how welcoming everyone is--glad I found this platform. I'm an author of contemporary fiction and historical fiction, but now I'm querying a middle grade fantasy that I wrote with my 12 year old over the pandemic. Not great for building an author brand (writing in so many genres) but it sure is fun!
I think it's great that you explore different genres! Branching out can only makes your world wider and lets you enjoy what each genre brings to the table. Plus writing something with your child seems like one of the most fun things you can do.
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I think it's great that you explore different genres! Branching out can only makes your world wider and lets you enjoy what each genre brings to the table. Plus writing something with your child seems like one of the most fun things you can do.
Thanks so much! Yes, it's been super rewarding to work together on this project.
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Hey! Nice to meet you all. I'm Jillian and I write Science Fiction and Fantasy, as well as write and illustrate picture books. I'm currently querying in hopes of finding an agent. I'm a bit shy when it comes to interacting online, so I've actually never participated in any pitch events or writing clubs, etc. before! But I'm trying to break out of being a habitual lurker and interact more with the writing community.
Welcome. I was here last year for the pitch fest and got a bite from one of the agents. It didn't pan out but maybe this year will be better.
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Hey! Nice to meet you all. I'm Jillian and I write Science Fiction and Fantasy, as well as write and illustrate picture books. I'm currently querying in hopes of finding an agent. I'm a bit shy when it comes to interacting online, so I've actually never participated in any pitch events or writing clubs, etc. before! But I'm trying to break out of being a habitual lurker and interact more with the writing community.
Hi Jillian! I'm new here too. I write paranormal romance and urban fantasy and this is my first pitch event as well. Good luck and best wishes to you!
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