Socializing, how . . . extroverted

Doing the socializing and extroverted thing is against my nature. I don't even make my classes go through first-day introductions, but here I am, not knowing what the heck to say in this post that isn't in my bio other than "Here I am."

I made a promise to myself that I was going to make a sincere effort to reach out and become part of a writing community, even though I have no idea how to do that, and I generally prefer not to call attention to myself.

So, anyway, I want to become part of a community, I want to improve my writing, and I want to find critique partners to get my writing to the point where I feel (semi) confident enough to self-publish. I also would not say no to some doughnut holes.
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Welcome Andrew!
We're a pretty low key bunch. I don't think we have a lot, or any, extroverts. :)
Reaching out is good, but with introverts event that can seem overwhelming. We have a Crit Partner Match that runs every two weeks. Yuo might want to check that out. We're running it as a public beta to get the system tweaked so we would love to have more participants! More information here: Crit Partner Matching Public Beta Program - SavvyAuthors

Other than that, we have classes and events so dig in!
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Hi, @Andrew Adams!

Welcome to SavvyAuthors! I think you are in good company. I don't know too many extroverts on the site. Most of us (me included) are introverts. You'll fit right in. We are a friendly and low-key community. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

We are thrilled that you joined us. :)

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Welcome, @Andrew Adams ! I would also love some doughnut holes...or doughnuts...or most kinds of pastries. It's great that you're reaching out and looking for community and support. I've been part of a critique group for a few years now and the feedback is invaluable. The first few times are hard and scary, but it's worth it in the end, and after a while it's more exciting than scary (at least for me). The important thing is that it will improve your stories. Good luck with your writing!!

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