Stop the presses! There might be a buyer for Savvy!!!

I'd love to see Savvy Authors continue. I've been teaching workshops for over 10 years and would love to continue. And the ladies in my mentoring program would lvoe it back.
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I'm really sad to hear that Savvy Authors needs a purchaser! I had no idea there was any issue until I logged in a couple of days ago. I've been a member for years, and due to the affordable price of the courses have bought and enjoyed several over that time. It's been great to have access to the resources and the very generous instructors here. I've learned lots!

And I second what someone else said - in this thread I would also be interested in purchasing course packets after courses have finished - they don't always have to have a "live" instructor. In fact I often find it hard to check in and keep up during the actual dates of each course due to everything else going on in my life, so they often end up being self-study for me anyway.

Fingers crossed that you find a way to keep the site and the business running!
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I would love to see the site continue! I think the classes are helpful and it is great to have a community to be part of.

Ideas: What about workshop classes that are more like traditional workshops where one person a week/session has their work read and critiqued by others?
Mods/teacher/prof whatever term you want to use, provide direct feedback of X number of words/query letter/etc. with a tiered structure for financial compensation?
I like the idea of sharing critiques online. I've learned so much when I've been able to take part in that kind of thing in the past.
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Hi All!
Well I have been contacted by someone who is interested in taking over SavvyAuthors! Watch this space for more information!

Also please post here if you would like to see us continue and your ideas for a NEW SavvyAuthors!!!

So hoping you continue! This has been a safe space for me to learn and grow in the process of writing. I've looked forward to all the classes I've taken here and I would be heartbroken if SavvyAuthors didn't continue. I enjoyed interacting with your talented instructors and the other students.

As I mentioned in another thread, I'd like to see more classes on query letters and getting an agent. Also how to find the right comp titles, or maybe a comp title swapping thread. Where members can post their premise and others can comment books they've read that sound like good comp titles for that premise.
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Hi All!
Well I have been contacted by someone who is interested in taking over SavvyAuthors! Watch this space for more information!

Also please post here if you would like to see us continue and your ideas for a NEW SavvyAuthors!!!

Fingers crossed!
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Hi All!
Well I have been contacted by someone who is interested in taking over SavvyAuthors! Watch this space for more information!

Also please post here if you would like to see us continue and your ideas for a NEW SavvyAuthors!!!

Yes, please continue. The organization, LIBRARY of instruction, classes and pricing, notifications, ease of posts, and other are so impressive and accessible.
I also super appreciate the ability to PITCH to agents and publishers and hope that feature will continue.
Not too fond of the FlashFiction contests because of people using AI to steal others' work, AI a little, and post it as their own.
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I never received anything from Savvy Authors about the site closing or my recurring premium payments. This is truly sad as I have been a member for years and love this site. I have learned so much, even though I'm more of a lurker. Please keep it up and running! Just look at the archives for all of the wonderful classes and other helpful materials that you gave us over the years. Hoping that a deal to continue or revamp goes through!
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Looking through all of the archives to see if I have everything and it saddens me to see all of the wonderful offerings SavvyAuthors has provided throughout the years, knowing it will end. Thank you for all of the information and help you have provided to so many of us. If at all possible, I hope you will continue!
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Hi All!
Well I have been contacted by someone who is interested in taking over SavvyAuthors! Watch this space for more information!

Also please post here if you would like to see us continue and your ideas for a NEW SavvyAuthors!!!

I would like to see SavvyAuthors continue with some changes to the courses and workshops. For example, divide them into courses for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced writers and offer some real-time workshops so that not everything is asynchronous--or perhaps some hybrid options.
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