Stop the presses! There might be a buyer for Savvy!!!

I received a message from Savvy Authors telling me my recurring premium payment from June 6th was canceled. I would hate to see this organization go. My husband had had a bone marrow transplant so I've not participated in a while, but I had hoped to resume once he no longer need me for everything.
Same here. I wondered what was wrong, and went to check it out.

Best wishes to your husband. Hope he has a smooth recovery.
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Hi All!
Well I have been contacted by someone who is interested in taking over SavvyAuthors! Watch this space for more information!

Also please post here if you would like to see us continue and your ideas for a NEW SavvyAuthors!!!

Keeping my fingers crossed.
Even though I haven't taken part in a long time, I'd be sad to see Savvy Authors go :(
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Hi All!
Well I have been contacted by someone who is interested in taking over SavvyAuthors! Watch this space for more information!

Also please post here if you would like to see us continue and your ideas for a NEW SavvyAuthors!!!

I would hate to lose this community, it has helped me tremendously and I've met wonderful authors and was match with a fantastic critique partner. If not for Savvy she and I would not have met. Please keep us updated.
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I would love to see the site continue! I think the classes are helpful and it is great to have a community to be part of.

Ideas: What about workshop classes that are more like traditional workshops where one person a week/session has their work read and critiqued by others?
Mods/teacher/prof whatever term you want to use, provide direct feedback of X number of words/query letter/etc. with a tiered structure for financial compensation?
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Would it be possible to send out an email to the members to give them an update?
Hi Deb, All members are subscribed to this forum but sadly a lot of them have marked our emails as spam so would not get this.
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I have LOVED teaching for Savvy for the last 7+ years. I hope you guys get the to continue. Please let me know if I can do anything to help. Love to you all!
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I want Savvy Authors to continue because it provides accessible resources for people who wish to improve their writing. Few websites offer the variety and camaraderie that Savvy provides; this has been a remarkable place for me and many others. I hope someone buys the site and maintains the quality we have enjoyed for the past decade.
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