Where do you spend your time on social media?

RJ Garside

Premium Member
Jul 14, 2014
Hey amazing writing community!

I am looking to get my feet wet with social media, but what social media platform do authors prefer?

Why does that specific platform appeal to you specifically?

How do you use it? For example, for selling your books, to connect with the writing community, to find writing meet-ups, events, or workshops?

Also, feel free to drop your social media handles in your message. I'd love to connect and "follow" or do whatever you're supposed to do on that particular platform. :)

Thanks so much for your help!

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Great question, RJ!

I use Facebook. Probably because I've been there so long. I don't like most of the other social media platforms. I've tried some of them but didn't like them. FB feels more intuitive to me than the other platforms. (Same goes for LinkedIn.)

I also use LinkedIn and have been there forever... Do you see a pattern here? LOL!

You can find me on Facebook at: Live Your Writing Dream

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/p-june-diehl-b476744/

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Facebook for me. Instagram sometimes. I've slowly moved away from social media as it eats up too much of my time. If I could hire someone to do promotion for me that would be a game changer.

To be honest, I go on both to watch funny animal videos or the 5-minute craft videos.

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RJ Garside
RJ Garside
OH! I love the funny animal videos. My kids keep showing me.

I've heard lots of people say that social media eats up a lot of their time too. I'm kind of glad that I'm not quite that connected. And yes! That would be amazing to having some do the book promotion. Maybe in the future, Tricia! :)

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