• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Hit A Brick Wall . . . help needed

Determined to finish revisions on a manuscript (contemporary romance) I was making great progress until suddenly wham . . .I hit a brick wall and absolutely can't think. In the past (and a different country) I had writing friends I could call to talk me through these blocks/I did the same for them. Would love to find that same sort of thing here. Anyone? You'll save me from bingeing on junk food and hating myself!
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Just learned of SavvyAuthors and Pitchfest!

Hi! I'm a sociologist by training and inclination. Last year I quit my university job, sold my house, and moved to Colorado to live in a shed and write romance novels. Contemporary for now (1 manuscript ready to query, 2.5 others that need work first), but someday maybe I'll try my hand at a mystery or at historical romance or YA.
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Hi Laura! Welcome to Savvy! I hope you are participating in the Pitchfest! Lots of activity around here this week. We also have a Nano Bootcamp starting up on the 1st!
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You’d have to be blind or stupid not to realize that Unit 316 was no ordinary dog. Unfortunately, the men at the J.I.M. were neither, and this dog was exactly what they’d been searching for. But 316 was no fool. He understood the hearts of men, knew the danger of exposing himself fully to them, and so he worked arduously to conceal the depths of his true self. He knew his only chance for survival was to escape, for as long he was in their hands his days were quantifiable. But there was no way out. Until one day an unexpected ally renders his assistance, and 316 is free.

At a park, he finds a friend, Brooklyn Darling. He can feel her pain, hear the cries of her heart, and is overcome by a desire to see her smile. His ability to connect with her to such a degree stems from another secret, one he’d never let the scientist discover. Meeting Brooklyn, he can’t quite understand why the man in her thoughts has left her so emotionally replete. What’s the deal with humans and feelings? A nice juicy bone and a good scratch behind the ears and life is golden. But not for Brooklyn.

Together, they form a bond deeper than either of them could have imagined and with Brooklyn 316 learns to love and trust in humanity again. He wants to stay with her, but he knows the men at the J.I.M. are searching for him and as long as they do Brooklyn is not safe. He needs to tell her but how?
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Is there such a thing as Old Newbie?

Hi there! I’m Michelle.

Years ago I spent every waking moment writing and illustrating picture book manuscripts and sending them out.
I took a break to try my hand at romance novels and sold my very first book from a rough draft.
Four published novels later, I’m really missing the KID CHARACTERS that still run through my head daily.
So, here I am again.
Finding my #kidlit groove and getting ready to jump into the SUBMISSION boat again.

I am so very excited to be here!

  • Happy
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Everybody ready for Pitchfest?

This is so exciting! One of the things we love most about SavvyAuthors is bringing together our great authors with great editors and agents! Today in just a couple of hours we are having our annual Autumn Pitchfest! If you have a story or book to pitch definitely check out the 2020 Autumn Pitchfest pages!.
Please also contact us if you have any questions!

Happy Pitching!!!
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Hello from Nancy

Hi all - glad to be a new member of the group! I'm a retired military officer and current university prof with expertise in gender, militarism, and learning. While I still publish academic articles and books, I'm now focusing on fiction. I have a completed short story collection centring on the intersection of women, war, museums, and heritage sites; completed historical fiction about three generations of Acadian women from Prince Edward Island who struggle with preternatural abilities and a phantom ship; and, an in-progress speculative fiction that I'm conceptualizing as "Lost in Space" meets "Stepmom." I'm going to participate in the Autumn Pitchfest for the historical fiction. Looking forward to learning from all of you.
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Hello, everyone. I'm happy to be joining this community of writers. Although I've dabbled in different things over the years, now I stick with contemporary YA. I am actively querying one novel and have a couple more I'm currently working on. I'd love to find some friends to critique with, especially anyone else who's working in the contemporary YA space. John Green is my favorite YA author - I haven't read all of his books yet because I save them for when I need something I know I'm going to love. :)
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Hey, All!

I was referred to this group from an author-friend, and am happy to be here!

I live in Tucson, AZ, but have lived in many other states and cities. I think we're done moving (for now?) LOL. I have been writing sporadically while raising my two daughters, one of whom is special needs. I've had a couple of things published by small presses, but those are now self-published on Amazon. I write romance, YA, and have also written some nonfiction. Now that I'm a bit older and a bit freer, I've gone back to writing, and also started up a new endeavor, of learning how to use Adobe Illustrator and making surface pattern designs to go on fabrics, etc.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!

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It's 9 am and where is everyone?

This is my very first Savvy workshop and I'm very confused about how all of this works. I'm at the day job sitting at my desk and awaiting instruction.

I'm excited to begin ... but how?


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Which workshop did you take? You can go to that workshop link in the Calendar tab and then once inside the class description go to Community Discussions (tab at the top of the screen). Should take you right to the classroom.

Hope that helps! :)
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Hello all! Here for the pitch event :-)

I'm an SFF author now in the query trenches with not one but two novels (adult urban fantasy and science fiction/space opera). I'm currently working up a queer fantasy romance (f/f) to work on during NaNoWriMo. I just entered Pitch Wars and am looking forward to the Pitchfest here.

It's good to meet you all! I'm always happy to find community with other writers and industry pros.
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Long time lurker...

Hi! I'm Allison. I've been with Savvy off and on since 2010. I did the Entangled Smackdown in 2013 -- and met some really awesome people. @Lenee Anderson and @JL_G who were on the historical team. We kinda just met through the sprints, and probably me talking smack either on the forums or on Twitter. :lolcrying: (I was on Team Bliss, so the sweet contemporary team.)

My current writing projects include a seasoned romance (I reeeeeeeally do hate that term!) that I'll probably be doing for that Get That Book Written workshop; a YA romance/fanfiction thing I started back during July Camp NaNoWriMo (I'm a non-traditional student who finally graduated college in 2019, but college has also put me into a 5+ year bout of writer's block. This fanfiction thing helped me start to breakthrough it); and the never-ending chick lit.

I'm notoriously bad at signing up for workshops and bootcamps, and never seeing them through. I swear and promise that I will not do that with the Get That Book Written workshop! When I had registered for it back... geesh... earlier this year? I had registered for it because it was a free event. Then I was going through my courses today; read the description of it; saw that there was a registration limit of 15 and that it was full, and I was like, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." :LOL:
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Hi Allison!
Welcome back. We have a fine SavvyAuthors tradition of people dropping back in. We love it!

And, the Get that book Written class is @RJ Garside's latest big class! OK well not so big, but we plan on expanding it. It's to help those of us (like me) who have the Best of Intentions to get that book done. You are in the right place for that.

See you around the site!
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Allison Kelsey
Allison Kelsey

And, the Get that book Written class is @RJ Garside's latest big class! OK well not so big, but we plan on expanding it. It's to help those of us (like me) who have the Best of Intentions to get that book done. You are in the right place for that.

I'm so worried about letting myself disappear from the GTBW class that I'm already sketching out an idea. :lolcrying: I'm so paranoid that my idea will suck that I was thinking of taking that plotting a romance in two weeks class -- never mind the fact that it overlaps with GTBW! :LOL: (I didn't register. I'm just going to finish out my sketch -- probably tonight -- and then ignore it until GTBW starts and then hope for the best.)
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A Late Hello

Hello everyone!

I joined a little over a month ago, but the world has been wild, so it's been tricky for me to have free time. My name is Lucas and right now I'm working on a YA SF book called Terra Forma about a boy who gets trapped in a virtual reality video game and if he loses the game he dies. I'm feeling pretty good about it, but was wondering if anyone would be willing to do some copyediting. I'd be willing to help in return.

Thanks and hope everyone is safe,

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Writers Con- I missed it all.

I registered for the Writers Con early . When I registered I didn’t see classes to register for. Looked forward to it all summer considering the kind of year I have had. But due to undergoing medical treatments this past 2 months, I missed out on registering early so I am closed out of all remaining classes today and Sunday. Totally missed Friday. . A bit disappointed that you have a Writers Con and cannot accommodate all of us.
I am hoping recordings are available and it is clear how to access them .

Apologies for the confusion. We usually do have registrations for each class, like you register for sessions for most in-person classes, since our instructors need to know how many to prepare for and we like to make sure that the class size is manageable enough so that everyone has a good learning experience. This was in the registration material and we did send out several updates in the past couple of weeks reminding everyone to register for the events, we also posted this in the last several weeks of the newsletter. All that said, we know that means that not everyone can attend and that is disappointing. So, we are happy to give you access to the classes you missed after the conference is over. Our limiting access is really to make sure our instructors are not overwhelmed. Let me know what classes you would like access to and I will add you when the conference is over.
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How do I watch the mini-intensive class today?

Hello, I'm new and I registered for a mini-intensive. I'm not sure how to participate.
Can someone direct me where to go?
Thanks, Shannon
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It's day 1 of SavvyAuthors Writercon!!!

Hello all attendees!
@RJ Garside @Dawn_McClure and @Walker and I are all here to help! Please feel free to contact us using the contact form at the bottom of the page or send email to [email protected] or post in this feed if you have questions!
We hope you have a great conference!
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