• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Savvy Authors Feb 2019 Pitchfest

Do Savvy Authors receive a summary of results from editors/agents/publishers as to success stories from pitchfest rounds? For example, if there were MS requests in the Feb rounds, how many of them have evolved as rejections, R&R's, contracts etc? Probably too early to collate, as it's only been 2 months ... But ... would love to hear success stories and who's had nibbles and progress, when the data is available.
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I'm back - after being away 7 years

Hi Everyone, I'm poking around the site again after being away for 7+ years. Took a while to figure out how to log back in, but it looks like my account is still here--hopefully this is the right account. However, all of my messages, class content, writing, friends lists, messages, awards, trophies, and anything else that was here is gone. Oh well -- looking forward to starting up my writing again soon. -C
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Too many emails

I don't want emails from each thread in the class as each post comes in. Instead,, I can log in and read them. I thought I turned the emails off, but evidently not. How do I do that?
Just click the "UnWatch" link at the top right side of the class discussion. That will unsuscribe you from the emails and notification.
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Sweetheart Pitchfest - manuscript

I read on in the description of the Pitchfest that one's manuscript needs to be finished with a "pass or few of edits." How polished does it need to be in order to pitch? Pristine?

I have a manuscript that is drafted and I've done a developmental edit, so the story elements won't change from here on. I'm revising now for flow and errors. It might take another month or two to get it perfected. Should I pitch or wait for another pitchfest?

I'd appreciate any words of advice from veterans.

Hi Carla
I think it depends on how willing you are to send it out immediately to an agent or editor. Usually, they expect to get what they requested fairly quickly. So if you are not willing to send it out within a few days, I would wait until the next event, which will be in the summer.
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New Romance Writer

Hi everyone! Working on the first draft of a romance novel set on Cape Cod. I welcome any and all tips, hints, etc. I'm having difficulty just writing "fast and hot" to get the story done. I get bogged down revising as I go. I do have a question about my setting...it's set in Chatham, Mass. I'm using some actual names such as beaches, etc., but am using fake names for real establishments. Is this the correct way to handle this?
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Looking forward to learning!

Hi everyone! I'm Anne-Marie Rivers, a Regency romance author furiously finishing a rough draft at the moment. I'm represented by Elizabeth Winick Rubinstein, and I was one of the chapter winners from Avon's last FanLit contest. I've written three novels (currently unpublished) and my current WIP is the start to a new series. Looking forward to learning and writing alongside all of you! I'm on Twitter at @authorannemarie and online at www.annemarierivers.com.
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Hello, all! :)

Hello, everyone!

I'm Amy LeTourneur (pronounced la-turner), and I'm so pleased to be here! This is my second attempt at this introductory post; the first one turned into an epic bio, but even I got bored reading it. LOL So here I am in a nutshell:
  • I'm 48 years old
  • I'm a mother of four - two boys (18 and 22) and two girls (20 and 24)
  • I've been married for 26 years
  • I've spent the last 16 years home schooling my kids - the three older ones are graduated and living on their own, and the "baby" will graduate in June
  • My older son is in the Air Force and stationed in Germany
  • My younger son is a type 1 diabetic (yeah...the "bad" kind)
  • I've always loved writing stories but didn't have the time or energy to focus on my writing when the kids were younger
  • I participated in NaNoWriMo for the first time in 2016 and "won," reaching the 50k word goal in just eighteen days (ahem...overwriter)
  • Now that the kids are grown, their mama gets to "grow up," too! And Mama really wants to be a writer when she grows up. :cool:
  • I absolutely love RVs, and we're currently saving up to buy our first one - the hubs and I plan to hit the road in our rig and hike every National Park in the US.
  • I'm in training to be a copywriter, and soon I'll be launching my freelance business specializing in writing copy and content for the RV & travel industries (I'm going to pay for my RV by writing about RVs...that's a pretty good gig, right? ;) )
  • That NaNoWriMo project I mentioned before? Well, believe me when I say it was a hot mess at the end of November 2016, but the story wormed its way into my soul, and I just had to make it shine. It's taken two years of hair-pulling, multiple rewrites and revisions, and seemingly endless word-cuts (did I mention I'm an overwriter??), but it's finally done! Now all I have to do is let people read it and tell me what they think. <gulp>
Okay, so that was a pretty big nutshell. LOL If you've made it this far into this post, I thank you for indulging me! I really look forward to meeting all of you and making connections here. I love being a writer, and I'm passionate about encouraging other writers on their own journeys. So I'm excited to have found a wonderful community like this to be involved in!

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New review for Missing in Egypt - Book #1 in the Anna Davies Mystery Series

I was delighted to receive this review from Diabolic Shrimp

Rating: 4 Shrimps! (Also 4* on Amazon)
When a man goes missing, an adventure is born. Rita Lee Chapman’s Missing in Egypt is both smart and engrossing. It’s a classic mystery to its core with an air of Indiana Jones. Great for any Agatha Christie lovers out there!

Never heard of Diabolic Shrimp? Or the Shrimp Tank? Check it out at https://diabolicshrimp.com/reviews-7/

Missing in Egypt
Book 1 in the Anna Davies Mystery Series

Missing in Egypt will intrigue you with its twists and turns, romance and adventure as well as its insights into Australian and Egyptian cultures. Australian Anna Davies travels to Egypt with her lover to help him search for his brother, who disappeared whilst on holiday. The Valley of the Kings, Abu Simbel and the Temple of Karnak are amongst the settings for their search. Will they be able to track him down and find him alive - or is Ramy already dead? What tragedies await Anna and Kareem as they come closer to retracing his footsteps? This fast-paced action plot will keep you guessing until the end.

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007JOUIIE/
LARGE PRINT EDITION: http://www.amazon.com/dp/149121872X/
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/263417
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ebook/dp/B007JOUIIE/


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Missing in London - Book 3 in the Anna Davies Mystery Series

Missing in London
Book #3 in the Anna Davies Mystery Series

Arthur Hambledon, Anna’s best-selling author, has just finished his latest book which he says “will raise some eyebrows.” Then Arthur disappears, along with the manuscript.

Anna Davies is working in London as a Senior Editor for a respected Publishing Company. When her most famous author goes missing, Anna is determined to find out what happened to him.

Smashwords: Missing in London, an Ebook by Rita Lee Chapman
E-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CYZTSZK/
Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986740900/
Large Print edition: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1718658842/

Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07CYZTSZK/Missing_in_London_Cover_.jpgMissing_in_London_Cover_.jpg
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Introvert/Recluse but need to do marketing/promo... help!

I went to several workshops on marketing at RWA National, and I've started to look for marketing/promo opportunities. With an audiobook coming out next month and my first new release in 18 years in January, now's the time to start getting my head into marketing. I took a chance with Premium Indie Reads and have had a great experience with them so far and definitely plan to keep using them; besides marketing they've made me 2 fabulous banners, and I'm having them do a book trailer once I have the audiobook release date. I've recently run across Xpresso Book Tours, and they do a LOT... reviews, blitzes, book tours, blog tours. It makes my head swim, and I swear I don't know half of what this stuff is or how it works. Yep, really been resistant to marketing, can you tell? I just want to stay in my girl-cave and write, but that's not getting my books sold. Anyway! The point of this is... does anyone have any experience with Xpresso? They look seriously impressive (they've been featured on Forbes), and seem to have some real momentum going. They also seem a bit expensive (but what do I know?); on the other hand, from what I can see they really get the books out there! Thoughts? Advice?

Does anyone have any recommendations as for marketing/promo companies?

And I have to say, just writing this post makes me want to run back in my girl-cave and hide. But writing the books isn't enough anymore. I want people to READ them! So... here I am, tiptoeing out of my comfort zone. Okay I'm going off to have a good cry now, and maybe some hot cocoa...

Allie McCormack
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Now available...Homeless Joy

Homeless Joy: An exposé in poetry was conceived as a follow up to J.L. Wright’s first book, Unadoptable Joy: A memoir in poetry and prose. As she wrote the honest journey of growing up in foster-care, Miss Wright looked deeper at her story - not knowing if her family and her home was permanent. She further explored her own experiences of living in a tent after graduating from college, while looking for work. Discovering that having a job doesn’t mean one can afford safe consistent housing, she began to write.

Motivated to address the issue of homelessness, J. L. began telling her own stories of homelessness. She shared the stories of others and looks at the issue of homelessness in more depth. The book Homeless Joy delves into several aspects of homelessness; including who, where, and why. Each aspect introduced with well researched prose, individual stories histories are developed in poetic verse. The tales of the homeless paint a rainbow of contradictions and complications, challenging the reader to grapple with their own personal beliefs and prejudices. This book captures the disconnect between the reality and fantasy of living on the edge; the chasm between questions, answers, and resolution and the ultimate decision to do something to change the future.

Homeless Joy now available on Amazon
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Hello Everyone

I am a first-time fiction writer who has just published my novel entitled Eternity with Jesus: Now and Forever on Amazon. It is a mixed genre sci-fi/fantasy and Christian/Catholic fiction involving time travel and travel to the afterlife dimensions of Purgatory, Hell, and Heaven. I hope that you all will enjoy it!
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