• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Printing Out Lessons

BEFORE the end of civilization (pre-Savvy site update), we could print out our lesson discussions. It actually said "Print". Is that still possible?

I could only find the class because RJ kindly gave me a direct link (yes, being old and helpless sucks).

Connie Parrott
Hi Connie,

What I always do is highlight the post, right click, and select print. I must confess, I never noticed the print button.
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Finding Your Tribe

How many people belong to a group of writers that all write in the same genre & help promote each other/swap newsletters? I've heard of more and more indie authors who form groups for such purposes. They say it boosts sales on release day and some even say it keeps them sane. :)

Have any of you found your 'tribe'?

Is anyone interested in starting a contemporary cowboy romance 'tribe' here at Savvy? Maybe a group to check in with, bounce ideas off of, and hang around in the chatroom while writing/editing? I'm sure we could get our own forum and chatroom. Writing can be so isolated, I'm hoping for a little motivation with others who write in the same genre as I do.
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Well we've got the new site up and running.

It does have a few things that are going to need tweaking! A site like this takes a lot of configuration and that usually cannot be completed until we have real users who are well, using it. Please do send on to us any oddities or defects that you run across. We have a wonderful dev team who has worked very hard on this and wants to get it just right for us!

Thanks and welcome!
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Greetings all, since you don’t know me, I feel it necessary to mention something relatively important up front: I’m blind. While this certainly is not the most important aspect of who I am, it does serve as a major characteristic, especially for dealing with the internet. I use a program called a Screen-reader, which means I interact with my computer and this site rather differently than most. I’m informing you of this, as when dealing with any site for the first time there is a great deal of learning that has to take place, since each site has slightly different coding, and code impacts me far more than the more traditional Graphical User Interface user. Mistakes are to be expected, and questions are more than likely; your patients are greatly requested. I feel this is absolutely vital that you all are made aware of this, since it will help explain perhaps what might appear to be on the surface as very silly errors on my part, when viewed from the perspective of someone using the site as a sighted user, when I am not. So that question, which might have an obvious answer for someone that has vision, might be totally its antithesis for someone that does not.
Having said all this: I heard of this site from a scribophile member, and have heard that changes were made by the site owner in reaction to my initial difficulties with the site when first attempting to join. I am exceedingly grateful to whoever that individual is that made the site alterations, which allowed me to join. I eagerly anticipate a rich learning experience and thank you for your time, respectfully, Elkin.
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Query Letter

Hey all,

So I'm having some trouble deciding how to procede. I posted to the pitchfest and have two editors requesting a synopsis and the first three chapters of my book. However, I'm unsure of what I should include in the query letter since a chunk of that information is IN the pitch and completed in the synopsis they have requested. Should I just thank them for their interest and list my accomplishments and contact information?

Thanks for any help!

M. A. Freeman
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Newbie here! I love connecting with other writers. I'm currently querying agents for my mom blogger cozy mystery series. Have gotten some good responses to my pitches on twitter. Keeping my fingers crossed for here, too. In the meantime, I'm working on a new series and submitting short stories. I recently got my first mystery short story accepted for an anthology! I feel there's still so much to learn about every phase of writing and publishing - even when you get something done, there's 10 more things you could be doing. How about you?
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Greetings all!

Found this place when someone retweeted the pitchfest link into my Twitter feed. I look forward to learning more and integrating that knowledge into my writing. I currently have three works posted to www.inkitt.com and hope to get one or more of them off the ground.


M. A. Freeman
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