• SavvyAuthors is closed for business pending a potential purchase offer

    The site will no longer be accessible on August 1, 2024 if a buyer is not found. Please review the post here for information on refunds and payments.
    There is the possiblity it will be purchased and re-opened please see this thread for more information
    ~Thank you for 14 wonderful years!

Intros & Newbies AMA: Hello!

Hi there,

My name is Mike, and I am interested in helping our, partnering, or taking over Savvy! I am posting this thread to see if there is anyone who wants me to be involved or not. Please message me on LinkedIn or DM me here if:
  1. You would like to help moderate or manage
  2. You would like to run some classes
  3. You have some ideas for the future
  4. You think I would be better off finding a different hobby :ROFLMAO:
A bit about me:

I'm from the Chicago, IL area. I went through the system growing up. Got into Harry Potter and Tolkien at a young age, and started going online to many message boards and digital communities. I founded some of my own communities. Early on I wore all the hats, such as editing people's fanfics, articles, and posts, graphic design, web design, etc. Eventually I focused a lot on engineering and web and founded Audentio, a digital agency, which has a bit over a dozen or so team members from around the world specializing in online community building and management.

What must be some 6-8 years by now, our team built some of the tools used here at Savvy today. We've been around behind the scenes helping with managing the server and web hosting (the energy company so to speak), building the web interface here (the foundation and interior design of the house, as it were), and the lessons system (Im out of analogies :D). In general we've been around, but just as hired help. We would stop in from time to time, and always loved seeing everyone and the care they put into this community.

The reality is that communities like this are becoming far more rare. More and more platforms like this are bought by data/AI companies, their user data fed to the models. And while this may just be the way of the world, I feel it my responsibility to help communities stay open, democratic and free wherever possible. So I have offered to step in in some capacity to rebuild Savvy, continue it, or perhaps do nothing at all... and that is why I post here today, to see what you the community members would like out of me.

So maybe an AMA might be a good idea? Ask Me Anything. Looking forward to meeting you guys!
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Announcement After nearly 14 years SavvyAuthors is closing its doors

Hi all
It is with great sadness that I post this tonight.
SavvyAuthors is closing for business effective immediately.
These are the details:
  • All class registrations are closed. (Completed 6/26)
    • You may not register for any class or event on the site.
  • Site registrations are closed to new members. (Completed 6/26)
  • All currently ongoing classes will continue as planned.
  • No new classes will start, including those scheduled to start this Monday, July 1. (Completed 6/26)
  • CritPartner Match is closed. (Completed 6/26)
  • All instructors will be paid as scheduled in your contract (15 days after the end of your class).
  • If you have registered for a class, you will be refunded.
    • I estimate it will take about two months to process all refunds.
    • I will process them by refunding the classes that start next week first and then process each week of classes each week after that--so you will be refunded on the day your class was to start.
  • If you have paid for a premium membership, I am planning to refund those in a prorated manner (from the date you paid to June 26) after I have refunded all the class registrations. this will take more time as it's not straightforward to figure out what is owed due to prorating and the vagaries of PayPal. (PSA..if you do not have to use PayPal as a vendor, don't. They are horrible to work with.) I do not have an estimate on this. I am working on this now.
    • I will cancel all the recurring membership subscriptions on our side. (Completed 6/28)
  • We have a policy that any content you have here such as classes you took, will be available as long as we are here.
    • We will leave the site up in a view-only manner until after the last class finishes. Once that class is done, we will archive the site. Once the site is archived, you will not be able to access any content. We suggest that you download anything you want to keep by the end of July.
    • The last classes will finish on July 15, the site will close for access on August 1.
      • We will update this post when I have a firm date for the site to be archived.

Thank you all for being SavvyAuthors members! RJ, Dawn, Walker, and I and all our wonderful mods will miss you.
  • Sad
  • Surprised
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All things writing Staying in Contact...

I'm still feeling sad as the end of July approaches.

Any of my former students, coaching/mentoring writers, or anyone else who wants to say in contact, here's my information:

Email: [email protected]

Website: Live Your Writing Dream - Online Classes for Aspiring Authors

Thanks to everyone at Savvy Authors who've made the last many years an incredible experience.

June, who's still hoping SA will make a comeback
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All things writing Trying to connect with my students!

I'm so sad that SavvyAuthors, in its current iteration, is going away. I've loved my time here and all the writers/mods/admins I've worked with.

If anyone would like to keep in touch, please feel free to reach me at www.writergarage.com or teremichaelseditor(at)gmail(dot)com.

Good luck and happy writing to all!
Tere Michaels
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