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Your story isn’t catching readers attention, beta feedback may not reflect what you wanted to convey, someone wrote a book like yours and their version worked so why not yours? How to see where success emerges and where to apply it can come from reading like a writer. Sure, picking up a book and getting lost in the fantasy is great, but when you reach the end there are questions you can ask yourself to deep dive into how the story worked for you and how it didn’t.
These insights can help steer you in the direction to figuring out your style and finding ways to invigorate your own storytelling. Let’s talk about shock factors, hooking, emotional investment, and story jerks. Give examples and have discussions around the things you love and how do you apply them to your writing.
These insights can help steer you in the direction to figuring out your style and finding ways to invigorate your own storytelling. Let’s talk about shock factors, hooking, emotional investment, and story jerks. Give examples and have discussions around the things you love and how do you apply them to your writing.