Serializing: Using the Structure of Episodic TV to Craft Your Serialized Novel with Ines Johnson

Craft Serializing: Using the Structure of Episodic TV to Craft Your Serialized Novel with Ines Johnson

Excellent class, easy to follow, lots of helpful info. Perfect timing for NaNoWriMo.
Thank you, Ines!!!
The graphic examples were amazing! Now, I know what emails/newsletters should look like.
The information was very helpful. This class probably could have been presented, however, in one day, maybe a webinar?
She provided useful information. She explained the steps we needed to take clearly.
This was a fabulous class! Ines took us through Scrivener with a fine tooth comb. I learned so much! Thanks tons.
Actually, I was disappointed. The lectures were very short and really didn't relay any more information than can be found in a Blog...and you can find plenty of those by going into Pinterest and asking for pins about writing fiction and publishing, if not at a blogging site. I expect more from an instructor, but that could be because as a Savvy and RWA workshop instructor I give participants their money's worth in words, whether that's the lectures or the feedback and suggestions and explanations made. Sorry. While I kept reading the posts, what I'd hoped for from this workshop never materialized.
I didn't have a grasp on Scrivener's features beyond the ability to write and save a document, and it frustrated me. Ines made it easy to see how cool Scrivener really is (which I always knew but couldn't figure out!), and I'm now excited to really USE Scrivener, especially when the latest version comes out for Windows! Thank you so much, Ines! You have been super helpful in breaking down all the features in bite-sized chunks that aren't overwhelming, and I really appreciate your being available after class for questions too!
Excellent class! I fell behind and just finished the lessons. They were packed with helpful, easy-to-follow information.
Social media for authors is so different from keeping up with friends. This was a great class, Ines presented the material so well.