• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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  1. LC Hayden

    Genre-Mystery-Crime How to Craft a Mystery/Thriller Novel with L.C. Hayden

    The book world offers its readers a variety of mysteries. Some are good, some not so good, and some are excellent. What makes the difference? It all begins with its foundation: learning how to craft a successful mystery. An award winning mystery/thriller author will show you how a successful...
  2. LC Hayden

    Pacing-Tension Show, Don't Tell with LC Hayden

    We’ve all heard it: Show, don’t tell. But what exactly does that mean? Award-winning author L. C. Hayden will address this and other important concerns. She will define the concept, show the reader how to tell which mode he’s in, and how to fix the problem. Hayden will then go an extra step...
  3. Sunny Irene Roth

    Craft Learn to Craft Your Memoir in Four Weeks with Irene Roth

    Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery as you learn the art of crafting your own memoir in just four weeks. This hands-on workshop is designed to guide you through the essential steps of memoir writing, helping you unearth the stories that define your unique life experiences...
  4. TereMichaels

    Genre What Fan Fiction Gets Right and What We Can Learn from It with Tere Michaels

    Many writers in publishing have made their way from the world of fan fiction, either as readers or writers. What does fan fiction get right – why does it hold so much attention and what can writers learn from its creation, its tropes, its emotional power and its passion? We will take a...
  5. Deborah Bailey

    Genre-SciFi Solving Backstory Challenges for Fantasy & SciFi with Deb Bailey

    How to share your backstory without info dumps. When you’re writing about fantastic worlds, it’s key to explain to the reader how your world works. But readers don’t want to read info dumps that stop the story movement. Find out ways to share backstory that won’t stop the action. How to decide...
  6. Sunny Irene Roth

    Craft How to Break into E-book Writing with Irene Roth

    In this workshop, you will learn to unlock the power of your creativity and transform your ideas into a compelling e-book in just four weeks. Whether you're a budding writer, an aspiring entrepreneur, or someone with a passion to share valuable knowledge, this workshop is designed to guide you...
  7. Beth Daniels

    Genre-Historical Writing Vintage Romance and/or Mystery with Beth Daniels

    What exactly is a VINTAGE story? It’s sorta a story that might have played out in the world that our great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, or we ourselves were born in and also were adults in. It’s also called The Twentieth Century. Tales set during The Great War (aka WW I), the Roarin’...
  8. Robin Jeffrey

    Genre Microfiction - Creating Award Winning Stories in 100 Words or Less with Robin Jeffrey

    Is it possible to tell a compelling story in 100 words or less? Absolutely! Microfiction, short stories that are told in 100 words or less, employs editing skills as much as writing, picking the right word, the right moments, and the right punctuation to tell a story as quickly as possible. In...
  9. M

    Genre Going Pro: How to Ethically Repurpose Aspects of your Fanfic for Original Works with Margaret Bates

    Like it or not, over a decade ago, Fifty Shades of Grey changed the publishing game, and brought romance novels a new level of recognition and cache in the age of e-books. By now, most people know it started as Twilight fanfiction. However, did you know that the trend of authors going pro from...
  10. LC Hayden

    Craft Yes, You CAN Craft a Novel in 90 Days (or less) with Bestselling Author L.C. Hayden

    Want to pump out a well structured manuscript in less than 90 days? L.C. Hayden wants to share her first-draft blueprint with YOU. In this two-week workshop she will guide you through a series of exercises so that after you finish the workshop you can write, write, write! The importance of...
  11. KrisBock

    Pacing-Tension Cliffhangers: Keep the Pages Turning! with Kris Bock

    A cliffhanger chapter ending can add impact to a dramatic scene and leave the reader desperate to find out what happens next. Learn how to identify your best cliffhanger moments and make them even more dramatic through pacing and paragraphing. Even when you have to end at a quieter moment, you...
  12. joan koster

    Craft Writing with Splash: Enriching Your Writing with Sensory Language with Joan Koster

    Did you know that there are 7 senses? Or wait is that 8? At any rate, no matter how many there are, a great writer uses ALL of them in EVERY place possible in their writing. In this course, you will learn about our senses, how they work, and when, where and how to use them in your current WIP...
  13. Stevens7_2000-yahoo.ie

    Genre-SciFi How to Write a Sci-Fi Short Story with Steve Shrott

    In this workshop, you’ll delve into the secrets of writing amazing science fiction short stories. Some of the topics covered are: Creating original and intriguing sci-fi premises that hook readers Techniques used in the most successful science fiction Secrets of writing time travel, first...
  14. Deborah Bailey

    Plot-Structure-GMC Building Blocks for GMC with Deb Bailey

    Goal, Motivation and Conflict are building blocks for storytelling. This workshop will break down GMC as it applies to the internal, the external and romantic goals, motivations and conflicts for your story. Starting with internal goals, then adding external goals for your main characters to...
  15. Amdenisch

    Genre-Mystery-Crime Use Misdirection to Craft a Great Mystery with Anna Denisch

    Magicians are excellent at misdirection, and we can learn from them for our writing, too. If you're crafting a mystery story, you need to rely on misdirection to lead your readers down false paths without lying to them or hiding the true magic of your plot. In this workshop, writers will learn...
  16. Jacqui Jacoby

    Genre-Fantasy Vampires, Ghouls, Ghosts and More: Learning the Paranormal Novel with Jacqui Jacoby

    They come in the night, the secrets and the sounds...they are the thing that goes Bump in the Night. Paranormal & Thriller author, Jacqui Jacoby offers insight on how not only to write for the genres, but how to do it differently. She’s worked with vampires, worked with witches, she has even...
  17. Sunny Irene Roth

    Genre Crafting Heartfelt Chicken Soup for the Soul Stories With Irene Roth

    Unlock the power of storytelling and learn the art of crafting touching narratives that warm the soul in this "Crafting Heartfelt Chicken Soup for the Soul Stories" workshop. Drawing inspiration from the beloved Chicken Soup for the Soul series, this workshop is designed to guide aspiring...
  18. terrimain

    Business Turn Words into Cash: Five Side Gigs for Writers with Terri Main

    Someone said, "I don't write for money. But I need money to keep writing." Most of us can understand that notion. On the road to finishing that novel, getting that book contract, or breaking out as an indie author, we still need to put food on the table. In this course you will learn about...
  19. Amdenisch

    Plot-Structure-GMC The Perfect Plot Twist with Anna Denisch

    As R.L. Stein once said, “Every story ever told can be broken down into three parts: the beginning, the middle, and the twist.” But crafting a good plot twist is certainly easier said than done. In this workshop, you’ll come to understand the inner workings of a plot twist, what makes them so...
  20. CassandraCarr

    Craft Writing a Series with Cassandra Carr

    Writing a series takes time and commitment. After all, any series is going to take you years to complete at the rate most authors release. So is it worth it? Absolutely. Why? Because readers love series books. If you're going to do a series, what do you need to know? Main topics covered will...